ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Not Up, Down

The two arrows are a symbol of liveless.com. What they represent is a fundamental philosophy of living less. The red arrow points up, meaning don't look up. The green arrow points down, meaning look down. In our world we are always striving for more and looking up. This has led to an ungrateful society. A society with riches but depression. In life there is always more and always someone higher, thus you are never content. In looking down you are able to see those who are less priviledged and how you are already blessed. In the western world we are already blessed. We become more content when we look down as oppossed to up.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

@#!!! YOU

I hate to swear. Infact you shouldn't swear at all, but I am so mad, so digusted, that I have to vent.
Lets begin with the idea of entitlement. Why do people believe they are owed something? Especially the rich. It seems like the democratic party cannot help but bitch about the republicans helping the rich, yet here we are seeing them do the same. I guess this is the year of the change.
So what has me so mad? Simple a bunch of rich people begging for money! When I have a 100+ million dollars I should not be begging for money for my folly. Hillary Clinton wants Obama to pay her debt off. Why????????? She mis-managed her campaign why should we pay for that? This is still not what got me mad; no, I am use this crap from the clintons. Its what Obama did which makes me so mad. We aren't even at the national level of competeting and Obama has changed. Yes change now!!!!! He has decided that he will be like all the politician and help bail out Hillary. The rich never having to pay for their mistakes. Can we trust Obama now?????
Does anyone else feel betrayed? When I voted and signed up for change I thought it meant change the system, not change Obama!
Hillary and Bill have enough money to pay for their own mistakes. Its not like they are on the street. Yet you want us to give you more money. No more. I will not give Obama a dime anymore, and my vote is now up for grabs. C'mon Juan call me, inspire me, say something to get me excited.


Not My Knighthood!!

So I have killed thousands, starved millions, have stole billions and been in power over 30 years. Once I was so popular and loved people talked about me all over the world. They made me a star. However I haven't changed. Its just now they think I am evil. I have always been evil. I rig elections, and rob the poor and give the money to my military.
They threaten to sanction my country, but I didn't change. They think freezing bank accounts will make me stop. NO! They tell me they will kick me out of the UN! No big deal. What does the UN do anyways? Nothing is going to make me give up power and my thirst for evil.

Life was grand for me until yesterday. I was the leader of my country and my people. I Sir Robert Mugabe am Zimbabwe. Then that white old woman in England had to go and hurt me so. She took away my knighthood. My soldiers won't call me sir anymore!
My Ministers stopped taking tea with me. Please I will quit. I will give up the presidency, just give me back my knighthood. Please Mum, call me Sir again. I was ready to go to death as the leader but now I think I am going to change. Taking away my knighthood has let me see the light.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I have wondered what Obama is thinking. I have supported Obama against Clinton with the caveat the national election is a new game. So Barack tell me now what the hell are you standing for?

You want change, well what is wrong with us today? The economy is hurting, the middle and lower classes are strapped and who are you bilking for your election campaign? You are asking the poor to support you. Raising 300 million+ for an eleciton in this world you want to change is absurd. How about giving the money to the poor and then taking the public funds? How about taking the high road and forcing McCain to do the same?

No, not our great Barack! The man of honor is being changed! I have changed! I see Money! I want money! Ehtics be dammed! Money Baby! Barack wants the cash! I am all about GREEN!

I had such high hopes, but then I should have known better. You are a politician which at the end of the day means you are snake. So much for change!

10 fantastic things to do with Gruel

from National Darfur Television

" the weather today is hot again. Sports news, is no news. Who has time for sports?
However we have a world famous chef from America who is going to show us how to jazz up gruel. 10 fantastic ways to make gruel appealing to your family."

Those of you wanting recipes please check into our website. It occurred to me the other day as I watched a cooking show, how on one planet kids starve while another watches how to cook. We are so spoiled we have time to think about how to cook. How to jazz up the food. Cooking shows must be an insult to those who have no food. Imagine being a kid in Dafur, do you really care how the food was made? OH I love the way you used garlic in that gruel!!!!

I must admit I love cooking shows, however I need to apologize to those who have no food. I have no right to be thinking about how to cook or new ways to roast or barbecue when the kids have no food.

What would happen if all the food wasted on cooking shows was given to the hungry? Should we be using the time to help think about waste?
Hey Martha can you do a show for the Dafur market? How about showing them ways to make the sand enhance the look of their dinner setting? Hey emile Bam!!!! Now thats good Gruel!!!!

One last thought. Imagine those who travel the world for cooking shows. Ming, or others who go to China and Italy and then show the different foods. How come they don't go to Darfur, or Bagladesh, or Burma and come back and show us how to cook grass and dirt?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Philo Tourism

You have heard of eco-tourism, now I want you to think of Philo-Tourism. I believe visual real experience beats any other type of experience. Seeing is believing. When you are there, you can be touched emotionally and moved to do something about it. Thus I want to create Philo-Tourism. Whereby we take rich individuals to places where charity is needed. We show them first hand what is going on. They in turn invest on the site they visited. Travelling for Philantropic sake.
These individuals can afford to fly globally. It would better reach their philantropic hearts if we are to make the experience real.
Talking or showing pictures does not accomplish the goal. People are de-sensitized by it all now. However if we take these individuals and show them a slice of the problem, which they can impact immediately they will be more open to help.
In the long term we can bring technology to the cause. By letting them have 24hr access online to their projects thru google earth or webcam.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear Barrack

Dear Mr. Obama.
I signed up and helped your campaign during the primary because as an African born American of muslim descent it was imperative I fight the subtle racism being put out there by the Clintons. We don't need to go backwards, so I will skip my views on the Clintons. I was proud to help you get by the past. Now as we begin the real work there are some views I need to express to you and questions I need to know.

If you are against the war and want to bring the soldiers home, what is your position on muslim fanatics, muslim dictatators, and governments using the muslim religion for human rights violations? If you hadn't gone to war with Iraq what would you have done instead? Please don't insult me by saying talk, the united nations has been talking for 50+ years!!!!!

Ted Sorenson on Charlie Rose said you are an idealist? What are your ideals? Freedom for the people? Equality among sexes?
You have two daughters ( like myself ), are they not equal to sons? Do you believe sons are better than daughters? The muslim world does not treat women equally. We fought for the Jews in WWII, blacks during apartheid, what are you going to do about women in muslim countries? Talk to the dictators? Those who don't believe in war are the ones who never protested or marched on muslim embassies demanding rights for women. Are they claiming women don't matter? The United Nations is a joke. It has stood by while thousands die and suffer. You can withdraw from Iraq but what are you going to do about the women? Just talk? Where is the change? Change the world which just sits on the sidelines. I may not agree with President Bush on why he went to war, but he is stirring the pot. Watch the movie "Osama" and perhaps you can think again. Our entering Iraq stirred the pot. A pot which all naive people were willing to let stand. How moral is that? Look at your daughtes and ask yourself what do they deserve?

Your wife the other day mentioned she hasn't been this proud of this country or happy in a long time? Really? Has she been around the world? There is no country in the world where you and her as black people would be where you are today. Without family influence and military backing you are going to run to be President. If you are going to be President of this country please be proud of this country and positive about what opportunity it has given you.

Let us change America. Let us make Americans appreciate their blessings again, instead of becoming a bunch of whiners and complainers. Immigrants do well in America because they see the good and make the change. Americans now just blame the government. Ask people to change, take charge, and make a difference. Even children can complain. Don't tell me about problems, give me solutions!!! Its an insult to the dying and starving around the world for your wife to be so ignorant.

When you are able to take a stand, then you will go beyond rhetoric to becoming a man of change.

Lastly before your people tag me as a republican right wing, you should know the following:
I was born in Africa to East Indian parents. I grew up in Canada as a minority. I am a brown muslim man, married to a white woman, with two daughters (who I stay home with) and live in Texas. I am not a republican right wing. So if you are ever in Austin, come by and we will have chai and talk one African man to another. I am proud of your run but you need get serious if you are going to be President.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"I see Gray "

The rich are the ones who want to change the world from which they have already taken their share. The hardest thing to do is to help people when you have no means. Or to help people without fanfare. However the world needs so much help that this complain itself is petty.

Some of us are said to have @#$$$! you money, however this does not condone the @#$!! you attitude that comes with the money?
Life is a chance, and some of us who win the lottery or draw the right life, should remember we could easily have been born in a slum. I of all people have won more than my share of the lottery. First I was born in the family I was. Second the family lived in an environment where it had opportunities. Third the family moved to the western world. Fourth I was born a male. So when you see me walking down the street in my t-shirt (livelessdomore) shorts, and sandals do you see ME AS THE LUCKIEST PERSON AROUND? DO I LOOK RICH WITHOUT THE BLING?

Well I am, and I also am guilty of pride in my @#$!! you attitude which comes from contentment and clouds out the reality. Some people have no chance, and its not their fault. Just as the whole world is not liberal and democratic, neither is it republican and conservative. I have always been passionate and thought my passion was what drove me to right and wrong, black and white. This week a very dear friend opened up even more to me. By exposing me to his new experience I am starting to see Gray. Yes sometimes we have to help without strings and attachments. Yes people get into slum not by choice. Its not their welfare attitude, or dependence on entitlement, its the hand dealt them by life. I always thought it wasn't luck, but what you do which makes your life. However now I am wondering and this questioning is what is defined as Gray.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Sometimes actually most times others say it better. Here is a link to an article related to the last post and the whole idea of LESS building and "Green' building. Remember " GREEN IS JUST A COLOR'(trademarked and now available on a t-shirt)


Extreme Home Makeover

Have you watched extreme home makeover? I like the show. They go help families in dire needs of home improvement and within a week build them a new lavish extravagant home. The idea of helping people who deserves this is great. The problem is in the execution.

The amount of money they spend is ridiculous. The houses they built show what is wrong with America and the west.
They build this huge homes and crazy rooms which promote consumerism. These people just need simple safe home. If they did this it may not be good television but it would be good living, good for the globe. They could probably help more families this way.

The idea is great but only in the western world can a good idea become perverse. Thus I have stopped watching the show.

Take the money you spend in one home and you can help a whole slum in another, like a friend of mine does. I am told it costs 2000 dollars to sponsor a slum. And the people in the slum don't want their rooms to look like cars, or have 4000sq ft. homes.
Just a roof, and a floor.
How about we send these people to a slum for an extreme makeover. They will probably get the slum a pool, and who knows some kid might get a room that looks like a garbage can.

I wish they would read about LESS and use the LESS philosophy.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Don't do it Barrack!!!!

Now that Barrack has won the nomination, he needs to make the first big decision. NO to HILLARY.
You cannot pick Hillary for VP. Thats not change, thats the past. The number one reason you can't is because it comes with Bill and would you be safe? Seriously how desperate are these two? Can you trust these two?

Send her back home! She hasn't been nice and deserves to go back where she came from. The time has come for Change. Lets clean house!!!! Send all clintonites back......!!!!!

I am letting you know the only thing that would make me vote for McCain is Hillary.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

America is against the truth

Why is america gotten scared of the truth. A white man tells the truth on the pulpit and everyone jumps on him. He is politically incorrect. However he is correct is every other way. This is the truth.

Enjoy it. Almost makes a muslim want to convert. Preach father preach.!!!!!!!
