ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unprotected Sex!!

So I read somewhere it costs in the average $20 000 a year to raise a child. Two children and you are at $40K and so on. So there are millions of people in America under the 40K a year threshold. What this says to me is you should not be having unprotected sex.
Bare back or unprotected sex is only for the rich and famous. Can you afford a child?
If you are poor, or make under 40k a year don't have unprotected sex. The life you save is family.
Hell to be honest if you are poor, why are you having sex in the first place? Should you not be looking for work?

*This message has been paid for by Trojan.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is it Murder?!!

I was reading the other day about people fighting the assisted suicide reforms. How someone was being charged with manslaughter for helping a dying person out of his misery. It occurred to me than we could turn this arguement around and use it as a defense.
Here is how I see it. Every murderer can claim he was just helping his victim commit suicide. There would be no murder just assisted suicide. The only difference is some victims just didn't know they wanted to die.
There are so many people I want to assist with their suicides. Bashir in Sudan, Mugabee in Zimbabwe, Osama, 3/4 royal family in Saudi/ etc....goes on and on.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How about War?

I am tired of the talking. I am tired of people saying we can work this out.
The UN keeps talking and negotiating. The leaders and actors keep trying to bring this to our attention. So now you have our attention, what are you going to do?
People keep dying, the Janjui keep raping and killing and the leaders of Sudan keep stalling. So how about this novel idea. WAR!! Lets fucking bomb the bastards!
Instead of buying food, I will donate to a bomb for Bashir.

Cmon world what do we have to lose if a bunch of evil men and their followers die. Peace?!!!

Give war a chance! Death and Destruction are powerful tools.

And when we are done with Sudan, I got ideas about the UN too!!!

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is Change?

Obama raised 52+ million last month. After declining public funds Obama is always asking for more money from new people. These new people are suppose to represent change. These are young donors. These are not rich people. So its the poor buying expensive media buys. The media supports the rich. So more rich people make money of poor people.
How is this change?
Why are we being asked to help another rich person take our money and become president so he can then rip us off more. At the least Hillary was ripping off other rich people.

Explain to me why if you want to change the world for good you need to take so much money from me? I rather give my money to people changing lives. Which is what Obama is not doing, he may have started with that idea, but he has just become a money whore. He gives so much money to the media that they fawn over him and help this scam continue.

I say change the world and give your money to some one on the street corner. It will do more for this world than Obama or McCain.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I love ICC

I love the ICC. Even thou they have no power, they still do what the UN and the world should be doing. ICC is the international Criminal Court. ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Bashir the leader of Sudan and the evil behind Dafur.
The world has talked and talked and never done anything. However ICC is not concerned with diplomacy but justice.
In issuing this they are putting the leader on notice and pressuring countries which don't want to make a move for economic reasons. Largest supplier of arms to Sudan is also the nation which vetos all UN resolutions dealing with Dafur. China!!!!
If the warrant is issued he (evil bastard) will be liable for arrest in 109 countries.

Its not much to those being starved, killed and raped every day, however its something.
In my world we would just take over the damm country and string up all these animals.
Actually I would round them up and starve them in refugee camp in the desert. Every night send people in there who want to fuck them. Give them some food, keep them alive and do it again. I would also make the feed live on the net so people like me and those freed can get some emotional satisfaction.

How about I start a camp somewhere in the desert, where abuse is the norm and food is scarce and the world can send me all the criminals, satans out there. Mughabe, Bashir and all their followers. A camp for the devils. How awesome would that be.
Maybe then actors could go around asking the world for better treatment of them. The UN could pass resolutions to condemn it and sanction me. How about the US propose to stop it and Germany, China and France veto it.
How about China giving me discounts on the arms I need to keep these animals in the cage and controlled. The UN could send a force to maintain peace but they are not allowed to engage my staff or stop the abuse. Just maintain a presence. The UN will send food for the refugees and I will give to the people outside instead of inside.

Maybe Bono can hold a concert for their plight?
Or maybe someone will right a blog about me and how I abuse these people?

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can this be True?

Almost a decade now I have been preaching about living L.E.S.S and now it seems we may have found the right marketing tool.
My motivation was to save the world and show how living less would help others. Or how we don't need as much as we consume in the west.
Now its a fact of science eating less adds 5 years to your life. My god!!! All those starving people who die, would have died 5 years earlier if they would have more food to eat?
Starting today we are going to market Living Less as an anti-aging secret. Live longer eat less will be the new mantra.
What we should be pissed at is that it takes science to tell us what seems common sense. Or that science needs to tells us to do this for youthfulness, instead of doing it to help fellow humans.
I for one have always gone against the trend, starting today I am overeating, cause I don't want to live that long.
So send $19.95 to us and we will send you the secret to living longer.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Children for sale

Here is a disturbing report about children for sale in Haiti.

This is what news should be about. It is very painful to see and imperative for my children to see. Watching this or reading this you will realize how lucky we are for being where we are.
It also showcases the need for the world to answer to the children who are slaved. Why is Al Gore talking about Global warming and getting accolades when the amount of money wasted or thrown at Gore could help begin to solve this epidemic. In this world where children are sold, or given away we are worried about money for the rich. We are worried about the climate crisis caused by the rich and powerful.
I for one believe its time the world fixed real problems facing the masses instead of worrying about the minorities. Lets rebel! There is more poor people in the world and if we rise up we may be able to change this earth. I for one would love to slave Al Gore and his kind. How about he goes to Haiti and works for the poor children, and lets hope they abuse him silly.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Ultra Cancer

This has nothing to do with today's world situation or anything important other than it occurred recently. A friend was smoking ultra light cigarettes and claimed it was healthier. Which got me to thinking how can that be? The world is told light or ultra light cigarettes are better for you. Which may delay the consequences but do not eliminate or reduce the consequences of smoking. Have you ever seen anyone who has light or ultra cancer? Smoking light cigarettes gives you cancer as does regular cigarettes. So whats with the light cigarettes?

Its the whole marketing gimmick. The cigarette companies know their product is going to kill you, but they decide we should respond by introducing the light version. This doesn't solve the health problems it only solves the marketing problem.

Its like those who drink diet soda. If you care about health and believe soda's are bad then you should eliminate sodas from your diet instead of switching to diet. Each new product will bring its own perils. Me, I drink real sodas, smoke full cigarettes and eat donuts. However everything in moderation.

The secret was told to me by my grandfather, moderation is the key to life. It makes life much more enjoyable.

Friday, July 04, 2008

To the Dogs!!!

The saying this world has gone to the dogs could not be more applicable today. Leona Hemsley left her estate to the dogs. 8 billion dollars! There has to be something wrong with the human race when a bunch dogs get 8 billion dollars. A billion people go hungry every night. We could feed the starving kids, create farms, invest in an militia to fight the evil the UN only talks about, or education or medical clinics....I could go on forever. Instead we are going to buy Puppy Chow!

Compassion or intelligence would take the money and give to real causes, but it will probably go to the lawyers and accountants and a few dog handlers.

How can I admire the western society or capitalism whole heartedly when its all going to the dogs!!!