ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Death in the Name of Peace

excerpted from Modern Muslim Movement.
We cause death in the name of peace by standing on the side and letting evil continue. Those of us who do not want to interfere allow the brutal dictators to continue to kill their people. Yet we want no war. Thus we sit idle as innocents die, in the name of idealism.

We are continually having to defend our stance on the Iraq war. We who want reform and who advocate free speech. This is a war against free speech. The fanatics want no free speech. They do not want anyone to have views outside of theirs. They do not want women to have equal rights or free speech. Modern governments in Muslim countries do not want free speech.

It is this reality which seems to go unnoticed among those who are so mad at George Bush the person, they miss the point of this war. Ofcourse there will always be the idealist amongst us who like to live in lala land. The anti-war people. The ones who do not believe in war. If we were to follow them, we would never have fought to save the jews, or others thru history who have been slaughtered. They don't want us to interfere in Dafur, because that would be war. So more innocents get killed. They would not have us stop the war in Balkans, Korea, South Africa etc...

In reality if the world was Anti-War; more people would die than do because of war. There is no war in Sudan, just killing. War enables a chance for peace. No war leads to no peace, just unchecked aggression.

Moderation does not mean appeasement. Moderation never means to turn the other cheek.
The cowards pretend to be peaceful, because it never requires them to commit themselves to a principle.
Freedom is never free.

Numbers that astound.

Life is simplifed by numbers. Numbers can bring forth points clearly.
Here are three examples:
The absurtiy of the Rich
-In China they are building suburbs for the rich. They call these areas Villa compounds. In these compounds they build 15 000sq. ft. homes of marble. - In NY Richard Gere bought an apartment which will have 18 500sq ft. I guess the new buddist want to be one with the rich.

The absurdity of Collegiate sports.
-Ohio St had a sports budget of 109 million this year.
-110 000 per athlete; 1/3 of what is spent on graduate students.
-46% increase in 5 years.
-Ohio has the highest foreclosure rates in America.
-Ohio has two of the five poorest cities in America.

Not just planes.
-Over 300 yachts are being built over 120ft long.
-There is website dedicated to spotting these monstorous yachts...yachtspotter.com
-Some of the people urging us to turn green, David Geffen, Paul Allen, are the ones who have the largest yachts.

How in the world can the masses take anything said by these people seriously?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Hummer named AL

News item!!!!
After my trip to Europe and visits with various groups it is now obvious to me.
Global Warming is not a environmental issue, but a class issue.

3% of the worlds populations caused 90% of global warming.* The elite rich 3% who live in big houses, ride limo, and fly in private planes. Now they want ALL of us to pay for their abuses and suffer. All their solutions will harm US. The rich can afford higher gas prices, higher cost of living. By making global warming an issue they are avoiding responsibility. They do not want to have gasoline tax based on your vehicle. More for big limos and planes. More taxes on utilities based on square footage of your house.

Global warming is only an issue for the rich. The poor are still worried about starving, education and oh my god Al! Peace!!!!

So in order to keep the global warming in the minds of people I am going to buy a HUMMER, paint it Green and have the sides painted, " Fight Global Warming bring Peace to the world!" " A clean world over starving children." and drive around the city.
Even with my hummer my carbon foot print will be one millionth of Al Gore.* Also everytime people see my hummer it will bring the issue to their mind. And isn't that all Al has done. Who needs solutions?

I am naming my HUMMER, AL , after the academy award winning man of peace.
To all those movie stars, politicians, crazy environmentalists who are conned, and other rich people who believe the issue of our time is global warming.... EAT MY FUMES!

* numbers based on common sense and computer models, not actual stats, same method as the one used in An Inconvenient Truth.
**Author of the blog available to come to your city and talk about this issue, which is of the utmost importance to him, for $49.95 per person. Author will require a limo, five star hotel room and private flight. He also will require bottled water from France for drinking and bathing. Democrats and Environmetalists can get a discount if they are wearing vote for Hillary button.

Al Gore my ass!

Ok so I don't want to put all my anger towards one man, however it seems he is the MAN of the hour.

However how does a man talking about global warming bring peace to the world?
Do Kids in Dafur have a better life now that Al is globe trotting with a power point?
Has the ismalic radical sector seen the light and re-directed their fanatism towards global warming?

How in the world can we take the Nobel Peace Prize seriously when they give it Al Gore.
-how about;
-the monks in myanmar
-Morgan Tsvangirai, Arthur Mutabara and the others fighting as opposition in Zimbabwe
-Garry Kasparavo
-Men and Women who battle child marriage globally and lose their lives doing so.
-Walid Eido, Pierre Gemayel, Antoine Ghaner, Rafiki Hariri, Samir Kassir. All people killed in Lebanon because they stood up to the Syrian government for democracy.
-Rev Phillip Buck, Chun Ki Won helping N. Korean escape North Korea.
-Iraqi policemen killed by the bombers. People who sign up to work to help their country and get killed. Some while waiting to sign up.
-Hell even George Bush makes the list if you are going to concern yourself with Al fucking Gore!!!!!!!!!!!