ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Truth for Clinton

Okay Bill and Hillary and all those Hillary fans; LISTEN UP!

She didn't lose or isn't being picked on because she is a woman. The argument that women are being overlooked may have been right 30 years ago, however the world has changed. I have two daughters who I have told many times they can be president or anything else they so desire. However they have to be qualified. The truth no one wants to admit is this was the wrong woman!!!!! Hillary is not the right woman to be the first female president because she has no qualification for it. Just see the campaign she is running. Hundred million dollars and still in debt. Marrying a bafooon is not a qualification. Standing up for adulterer or a liar is not a qualification. Able to whine is not a qualification. Hillary is not a woman I want my daughters to look up too, neither is the sex offender of a husband she has.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Please I beg you; let us help!!!!

Thousands of people are dying and thousands more have died in Myanmar, yet the government is debating wether to allow foreign aid. The US and the European Union and India are all waiting on the government to allow them to go aid the victims.
The first lady of the United States held her first news conference to beg for permission to send aid.

Another sign the world has let this regime last way too long. Is it any wonder I have no faith in the UN. Why does the world let this go on for 30+ years and then wonder when this occurs.

The leaders of this country will all survive, but its the people who die.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Starving in Africa

All over Africa people are starving and the world has figured out how to help. The solution is not sending aid but changing the culture. America gives aid but it doesn't help, because it causes high prices and corruption. What Africa needs is UNTIED AID. Which means aid which is coming from Africa and not tied to American subsidies for their farmers. If America agreed to buy a quota from local farmers and guaranteed it for a 5 years the farmers would come out of poverty. However the farming is not sustainable as long as the local market is flooded with aid.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Jimmy; Really are you this dumb?

Jimmy Carter is set on trying to win the title of the Dumbest Us President from Bill Clinton. The other day in Israel he commented he preferred dealing with Hamas because he only had to talk to One person to get things done. As opposed to Israel well he has to talk to a few people to get an idea.
YES JIMMY IT'S CALLED A DICTATORSHIP. The people are not represented in a DICTATORSHIP. One MAN controls everyone!!!!!


The Clinton Myth

Here is the myth being pushed by the media and the Clinton campaign. THERE IS ACTUALLY A CHANCE HILLARY CAN WIN.
The only way the Clintons can win is by STEALING THE ELECTION!!!!!!!

Myth #2 Bill is smart!

Myth #3
Bill is black. He is white and as KKK as a southerner can get. The fact any black person talks and associates with Clintons tells u there are stupid black people in america.