ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A letter to my White Democrat Friends

Earlier I wrote a letter to my black friends and lo and behold they seemed to have listened. Now the question is are the White people as smart? If you are Bill Clinton then you believe they are smarter.

So my democrat friends, you the one's who hold Kennedy as God and believe you brought civil rights to America, I ask you when are you going to rid your party of RACIST dressed up as Clintons? When?

Even in losing South Carolina the Prez played the race card. He associated Obama with the Jackass Jackson knowing full well how that would play in the south and to the public.

What bothers me is that the Democrats always talk about equality, fairness and being better than the Republicans, yet here we are today 2008 and the only racist in the race is Clinton. And the democratic party is going to nominate her.

I just want to know what happened to the hippies, the freedom movement, the civil rights, and the feminists?
Where are they? Did they become Republican? They must have because the republican party would have thrown these two racists out a long time ago.

I asked my African American friends to wake up and they did. All I want from my white friends is the truth. Are you democrats just talk or do you mean what you say. Put up and put out the Clintons or forever be viewed as pretenders.

Hell the Kennedy's have seen the light. If your Gods see the truth shouldn't you?

Will anyone ever take a democrat seriously again when they talk about peace, love and harmony if their nominee is Clinton?

Davos and Water

In Davos switzerland the evil doers of the world meet and plan the years folly. We do not need to go over the stupidity of Davos again. However it is interesting to note this years focus at Davos was to be about the resources and Water in particular.
Thus the leaders of the world want to show how they are aware and concerned with the shortage of Water. Let us ask some questions before we state some facts.

Is anyone at Davos drinking water from the Tap?
Is everyone making sure they finish all the water in their glass or bottle?

The facts:
Water usage per gallon.
-minimum a person needs to drink and be healthy and clean 5.3
-production of beef 1,165 gallons
-one kilowatt hour of electricity .4

Participants at Davos, took a break from discussing the water shortage by going skiing. The afternoon topic is better usage of water globally.

Where is the Avalanche when you need one?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hey Jesse Lets March

I use to hate, abhor Jesse Jackson. I use to hate how he sold his people out and used them for his own good. How you could count on Jesse to show up and march at any race related issue. It never mattered whether the issue was right or wrong. Jesse would march.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A letter to my African American Friends; WAKE UP!!!!!!

I usually don't pick sides. I prefer to pick on all the people at the same time. I like the freedom of making fun of everyone equally. However I am going to have to pick a side now. Its like when an adult is abusing a child in a park, you must step in.
I have watched over the last two weeks the Clintons basically take America back 35 years and do it without America realizing it. The true nature and colors of the Clintons are now showing to those of us not under the spell. We who came to America late from other countries can see it. Americans, even the liberal democrat intellectuals miss it. The racism of the worst kind coming out of the Clintons.

I was going to just make this point and show it without emotional attachment, however having heard Mrs. Clinton and Bill its too hard for myself to distance my emotions. So onward we go aware the gates are open. Opened by them.

Too begin with, as a minority brown muslim person I can say to both the blacks and whites what I think without the fear of republican conspirator label, being thrown up to mask the message. When I was growing up in an English world, it was pointed out to me the worst type of racist was the one who befriended you; patronizing you. Its better to have a klu klux robe wearing, right wing christian conservative call you nigger and tell you he hates your guts, then to have the so called first black president of United States come out and put you down now that he fears you are becoming equal. Bill Clinton is a racist like the old southern governors, wait he was a southern governor. He likes the blacks as long as they were below him. The first black president ( so called ) never appointed the first black secretary of state or a supreme court justice. Go figure. Tell me master its not true.

If you are black in America and the black candidate running for president is the devil, vote for the devil before you vote for the white Clinton.
The Clintons are doing this purposely to let the racists in the south know they are not for blacks. They lose the black vote but who cares, come general election they will pick up the racists and it might be enough.

So black people wake up and smell the shit being thrown at you by Clinton. They are sending code words out into the media in their statement.
The sad part is the Kennedy, Peace Corps party has bought the snake oil from a bubba and is involved in this farce. What happened to the hippies? Why are they letting this happen? Why does any liberal democrat with a conscience support the Clintons? There is only one thing the Clintons represent. Tradition. Fight tradition. Dream!!!!
Don't let a Brown man tell you how to stand up for your rights.
How can a woman married to a sexual predator be a good example for the daughters of America as the first woman president
Is she going to govern without ethics? She is running her campaign like it. Sending out Bill to do the dirty work. Now we know what he had to do for the Monica mess. Payback baby! Poor Billy! He thought he had gotten away with it.
Finally let us not forget the Clintons passion for language and literacy. Thus I include here a definiton of sexual predattor incase Bill decides to question the facts like he is doing to Obama.
From Wikepedia:
The term sexual predator is used pejoratively to describe a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically predatory manner. Analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to "hunt" for his or her sex partners.

And now the big accusation. Its a serious matter to call someone a liar. However Mr. Clinton I am not calling you a liar, history is. You finger waving, " never had sex " scene proves it to the whole nation.

During slavery the master worked the whip, now the master works the media and the black people still get beat and the whites sit still.

In closing Bill is still an inspiration to me because he stands for the American dream which makes me love this country so.
Every one in America has a chance. A lying son of a bitch who at best should have been a manager at a 7/11 became president, convinced the hollywood and intellectuals he was a smart man even after he got caught getting a blow job in the oval office, stumbled into office during the computer boom era, and now has his so called wife ( no other qualifications ) on the brink of the same office. If this isn't a poster for the greatness of America I don't know what is.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I have said it before but its becoming more and more important to address to use of and distribution of water amongst our society. Water being transfered between countries is absurd. Water is the most important resource being wasted in the world.
Here are my thoughts.
- South africa has put it in it's constitution water is a right.
- 1.4 milion people die a year because of lack of water
- Water with disease kills the poor and hurts education.
- How can we use the ice in the artic and antartic to suppy water. We will need to do that soon. Lets hurry before Global warming melts it all.
- Should anyone in N. America ever buy bottled water again?
- A clean car or another hundred Africans dying of thirst.
Here is the bumper sticker idea of the week.
" Clean car or water for children; AL? Would you like wax?"

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I have decided I must take a stand. Our planet is getting killed. We need to re-green the planet. We need to stop de-plantation. I also have come to realize the plants are living things.
In a global warming crisis, we must stop the methane gas from getting to our atmospere. Cows produce a lot and emit a lot into the air. Cows brown this world by eating the green grass.
Thus in order to be more environmental, and natural and one with the planet, I have decided not to eat any vegetables.
I will only eat steak. By eating steak I will save the atmosphere and not kill any living plants.
The planet should get greener and cleaner. SAVE OUR WORLD, SAY NO TO VEGETABLES.

Where have the Indians Gone

An odd thing happened this December. A lot of my friends and family and acquaintances from Kenya were going on Vacations. They were in Canada, Europe, Dubai and America. I found it odd that these people were all vacationing at the same time.
Now it all makes sense. The election and the violence which followed explain why the Indians ( read foreigners ) all left. The class which controls business and which rapes the masses left the country. So as the violence erupts and the mobs decide to go beyond election protest, where will their anger turn? To the people who are keeping them down, insuring the rich stay rich and poor stay black. So ofcourse they would look for the Indians. However there are no indians of worth to be found.
Where oh tell me where have all the Indians ( foreigners ) gone?????