ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A letter to my White Democrat Friends

Earlier I wrote a letter to my black friends and lo and behold they seemed to have listened. Now the question is are the White people as smart? If you are Bill Clinton then you believe they are smarter.

So my democrat friends, you the one's who hold Kennedy as God and believe you brought civil rights to America, I ask you when are you going to rid your party of RACIST dressed up as Clintons? When?

Even in losing South Carolina the Prez played the race card. He associated Obama with the Jackass Jackson knowing full well how that would play in the south and to the public.

What bothers me is that the Democrats always talk about equality, fairness and being better than the Republicans, yet here we are today 2008 and the only racist in the race is Clinton. And the democratic party is going to nominate her.

I just want to know what happened to the hippies, the freedom movement, the civil rights, and the feminists?
Where are they? Did they become Republican? They must have because the republican party would have thrown these two racists out a long time ago.

I asked my African American friends to wake up and they did. All I want from my white friends is the truth. Are you democrats just talk or do you mean what you say. Put up and put out the Clintons or forever be viewed as pretenders.

Hell the Kennedy's have seen the light. If your Gods see the truth shouldn't you?

Will anyone ever take a democrat seriously again when they talk about peace, love and harmony if their nominee is Clinton?


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