Saving the planet on HDTV!
Some numbers for my prius driving global warming, get out of Iraq friends who drink bottle water. Where do you get your news?
On TV? Is it a flat screen television?
-a old 28 inch tv uses about 100 watts
-42in. LCD 200watts
-42 in. plasma 200 - 500 watts
-60in. 500-600 watts
So use the energy efficient light bulbs, but you wipe it all out with electronics attached to your television. Currently 11 to 12 % of the electrical bill of an American home is from electronics, with an increase to 18 % in the next few years. So I am willing to bet all the celebrities and Al Gore who talk about saving the planet, go home and turn on their flat plasma screens to watch themselves on the news. Oh by the way, pass the water bottle please!
Let me know when Al comes out and asks his friends to give up the big screens. Until then all you global warming people SHUT UP! I AM TRYING TO WATCH TV!
On TV? Is it a flat screen television?
-a old 28 inch tv uses about 100 watts
-42in. LCD 200watts
-42 in. plasma 200 - 500 watts
-60in. 500-600 watts
So use the energy efficient light bulbs, but you wipe it all out with electronics attached to your television. Currently 11 to 12 % of the electrical bill of an American home is from electronics, with an increase to 18 % in the next few years. So I am willing to bet all the celebrities and Al Gore who talk about saving the planet, go home and turn on their flat plasma screens to watch themselves on the news. Oh by the way, pass the water bottle please!
Let me know when Al comes out and asks his friends to give up the big screens. Until then all you global warming people SHUT UP! I AM TRYING TO WATCH TV!
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