ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

The Day Before Hell!!!!

It's the day before the worst day in America.  I could say worst day in the world, but the world has already experienced a bunch of these days because of the Spineless one and his inaction. Syria, Nigeria, Greece, Turkey, Yemen,..dead children and raped women.  Every day a child is being murdered and a woman being raped and in North America people worry about getting involved.  I digress, read previous posts.

Tomorrow in America we are going to wake up with the worst President America has elected, regardless of who wins.  95 % of Americans are going to vote for someone today they know is corrupt, narcissist, inept, incompetent and racist.  However 95% of the Americans who each believe they are sane reasonable people will suspend logic, ignore facts to justify their vote. So called intelligent human beings are going against what they have stood for, ethics and morality and vote for their flawed candidates.  Each side is blind to the truth about their candidate.  Each side takes positions which are immoral in defending their choice.

So the winner of this election will be the worst candidate we have elected, but more importantly will face a significant amount of the population who are angry.  The divides have been deepened.  The 1% have used propaganda machine to brain wash the poorest and least educated, and amazingly they have been able to use the same method on the middle class and the educated.

Facts do not matter in America anymore.
Ethics are no longer important.
Money and Influence are the most important tools for success.
Hard Work is not relevant.
Hypocrisy rules America.

And the saddest part of all, the global innocents will pay a bigger price, as we have learned over the last 8 years...

So me, I am going to have a Krispy Kreme donut, a good bourbon, a great hamburger, a cigarette and pray I die before I wake.....Cause tmrw the only chance ( slim) I have to not be in hell, is if I die today.

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