ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Je ne suis pas Charlie, je suis Ahmed.

If you track back my blog you will see,I have been against the fanatics of the Muslim world from day one. Its never been about America for me, nor religion. It was about a culture which needed reform.  It is why I always supported Bush,whom I didnt politically, but on his wars I found myself agreeing to his ventures. You can read the reasons in the previous blogs here.
My beliefs came true with the Arab spring when the people demanded freedom.  Unfortunately for the people of the world America has elections every four years. Obama whom I supported politically, but regret every moment since, was the worst foreign president America could have at the time. His inaction,and unwillingness to act has brought the world here today.  Bush's policy bore fruit, but instead of harvesting Obama let the fruit ripen on the tree.  Until the ground is left full of rotten fruit.  What we have today globally is rotten fruit.

I wrote the above to preface what I want to discuss about the past week. The attack in Paris is inexcusable on every level. There is no excuse to kill anyone, especially in the name of religion. However freedom has responsibility. The cartoonist have the right to their opinions, but they cannot provoke anger and put innocents at danger without barring some responsibility.  There are laws against anti Semite literature and hate literature, the world needs to understand to some extent there has be laws against anti Muslim literature or hate. Common sense. There are many things I hate in this world but I do not try to incite in the name of freedom.

JE NE SUIS PAS CHARLIE!  I am not CHARLIE.  I never condoned their work. I found it offensive and I am the most liberal western Muslim I know. Imagine then how the others in the Muslim world feel?  I find it hard in this week not to think of the innocents killed because of the actions of others.  The policeman who was Muslim, the Jewish shoppers, they didn't sign up to stand on their feet.

That is why I found the following tweet the most profound.

Dyab Abou Jahjah @Aboujahjah

I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so. #JesuisAhmed

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