This is not America
The ideals of America, do not exist anymore in America. I was the biggest cheerleader of America, I was the biggest supporter of America. I fought my family, religion, friends when I defended America as a place of equality and freedom. It's why I came here and why I raised my kids here. I taught them to be proud of America.
Here I am in 2014 and looking at what's happened in my life and in America this year and realize this is not the land of freedom, not the land of where dreams come true, it's the land of nightmares. It's where a twelve year old boy gets shot in the park by a police officer, it's the land where unarmed men get shot by the police, where human life is worth taking for pretty offences or perceived offences. A land so corrupt by power and money the middle and lower classes have no justice. Rule and regulations are bought by those who can afford them, so they can justify their lifestyle and positions. They hide behind the rule of law, but the rule of law is bought and paid for.
America doesn't make things anymore, America steals from the stock market. America has no accountability. Accumulation of wealth by any means necessary. A land where a President lies about his infidelities in court and gets treated as a statesman. The media is part of the game. Media has become just as rich, and so there reporting is based on keeping the status quo. A land which creates an athlete who cheats and a media who promotes the story to create a myth and glory. When and if you get caught, you still have the money! What's a little shame in America?
I am worn down, I am needing a boost. I am tired of fighting. I need a change. A place to start again. A place where it's not futile to fight for humanity. They say corruption in third world countries is horrendous, but they don't see the corruption in America. America has made it's corruption legal and protected by the law. America celebrates its corruption. Somewhere in time America lost it's ideals.
My child and her friends had a wrong done to them, and there will be no restitution for them. Those who wronged them will not get punished or be held accountable. Unfortunately for my daughter, her parents are not in the right economic class or the right skin color. Right is not always right in America!!!! This use to be the country where work and effort mattered, but now its not enough. Somebody needs to tell those dying to get into America the truth. You are wrong. This isn't the land of freedom. Your family will always be in servitude in America. America will bleed you dry to keep up the lifestyle of the privileged and you will never be one! If you are rich come to America!
America is not equal, not fair, and has no justice. In other countries you know what corruption is and the price. You know the price of corruption. Corruption is equal and available to all. In America corruption is for the few. If you cannot afford it in America, you are fodder. America of 2014 is the land of cheats, liars (politicians, corporations ), waste, with no accountability, no ethics and no justice.
This so not America!!!!!
Labels: Clintons, corruption, equality, freedom, ideals, justice, morals, politicians
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