ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Friday, June 06, 2014

Why Taliban is worst than Al Qaeda!

The hoopla today is all about the the prisoner exchange between US and the Taliban.  I don't like the deal and I am not too thrilled with the concept of trading.  However I will accept the American cultural concept of leaving no prisoner behind as a justification.

My problem is why five to one.  Who makes the deal where they give up five for one.  How are you negotiating?  What did they say?  We are going to kill your soldier unless you make the trade?
Well I am going to kill five of yours?  What do you think now?
It does not make sense on strictly the numbers.  Did I expect this, ofcourse this is the worst poker player in the world making the deal. ( see previous post)

My issue with the world and especially the spineless one is the fact, we deal with the Taliban.  The taliban are the curse of humanity.  The taliban are dearth of society.  The taliban are ignorant evil men!!!!
These are the people who destroyed Buddhist statues centuries old.  These are the men who do not want their children ( girls ) educated.  These are the men who kill vaccine givers.  How in the world can you negotiate with them?  How can a world accept their existence?  It has to end.  The fact we are negotiating with them and hope to create an understanding gives validity to their beliefs.  This makes me angry at the world and the spineless one.

The world needs to eliminate the Taliban the way we eliminate small pox.  Its a virus and it must be destroyed.   We should not accept any form of their existence.  We should not deal with a country that allows them to have an office.  ( Qatar)

Decades ago their was a movie called Osama, people should watch this and then they will understand the evil of the Taliban.  

I am sorry for the families of soldiers who get caught up in this, but it bothers me when liberal, pacifists want to stay out of others cultures.  Want to complain about our short comings, but ignore the others violations to humanity in the name of culture.

Al Qaeda had a political goal.  They wanted to overthrow the Saudi government.  They want westernization of their society stopped because it was leading to the loss of power and prestige for their ideals.  Taliban gave them refuge.  Taliban were stone age, and now we are dealing with them?  One life is not worth the hundred thousands the Taliban have extinguished and the million women they want to extinguish.

I am sorry but I cannot accept this deal or the give it my blessing in any form.  Its a bad bad bad omen for the future....
It seems lately this all there is in America....
2 more years before we make it worse and give the job to the most undeserving person in the US....but hey she wants it.  In a democracy we get what we vote in.

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