ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why not Hillary? 2yrs out.

I am sick and tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton running for president!  About how she is a shoe in! We are two years away and they are all talking about this, and it makes sense because its the Clinton way.  The Clintons are about the Clintons, except when it is about money. However here are my three reasons why she shouldn't be president, and I am putting this out now, so I can two years from now gloat.

1. Experience.  Everyone talks about her experience?  Experience as what?  A victim? Her only qualification was her Senate and State Dept time.  Neither is great, but hey it didn't stop Obama.  Perhaps we should learn something from that.  Her State dept was her only real leadership time and if we go by that, then we have a huge problem.  This is the person who allowed Bengazi and the new report released yesterday refutes all her claims and denials of knowledge.  The truth is she only wanted the title and the glitz.  No work!  Nothing got accomplished in her tenor.  No reset of any kind.

2. Age.  She is old.  Old in mind and old in body.  Clintons and Bushes are the past.  PUT THEM AWAY!  There will be no new names around when she is in office.  Obama's first mistake was using old Clintonites, and look where we are.  Its a new century lets stick with new people and new ideas, even if they are wrong.

3. Clinton.  She is one half of the most selfish couple in the history of America.  She does not care for America.  She does not want to be president for America.  She wants to be president for Clinton.  If she had an idea of how to help Americas future or the world and that was her cause I would think about it, but her whole thing is I deserve to be president.  Its time for me.  This person will never put America or the world first.

I am not even going to mention BILL.  Lose Bill and I will think about it before I say NO!!!!
Everyone knows how much I hate the current spineless one, but I gave him money and worked for him only because of Hillary.  The same reasons as above 6 years ago.
HOPE and CHANGE don't come with Clinton.

My Golden Rule test:
This golden rule was established 20 years ago and it has never failed.   Whatever side Jesse Jackson, or Bill Clinton are on, the right side is the opposition.  Who do you think Jesse and Bill want!

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