ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The truth about American health care

So let's start with the statement, I am not anti-Obama because he is black, or a democrat but because he turned out to be the most incompetent president since Clinton.  At the least we knew Clinton's motivation was self serving.  Is there a bigger family of moochers in America than the Clintons? Obama is just incompetent.

Now let's talk his great achievement of health care for America.  It sounds great however it's the worst thing a person wanting to help people would have done.  The problem with America is not the quality of health care.  The quality of our health care is the best in the world.  The world's elite come here when they get sick.  THE PROBLEM WITH AMERICAN HEALTH CARE IS COST!!!

Most Americans cannot afford the health care because they are subsidising the rich and their whims. The rich get these amazing health procedures which cost astronomical amounts and they are not paying anywhere near what it costs.  So Clinton gets a heart bypass and does not pay the actual cost of the procedure.  Then we got get three stitches and the insurance is billed $1500.  How is that acceptable?  Nowhere in the third world does three stitches cost$1500.  Now the great Nobel winning half white president Obama decides he is going to fix this.  Give America affordable health care.  How do you do this?

First find out what's wrong with our health care? Everyone knows it's not the quality but the cost.  How do you address the cost?  You ask the question why is it so expensive and how do people bring the cost down?  Did he ask the question?  I don't think so, I think he just wanted to say he was going to give everyone health care. Everyone has health care right now.  Only everyone cannot afford it.

Let's do a Tom Friedman; in a planet far far away there is a crisis.  Health care costs are running rampant and the empire is in trouble.  Everyone is looking to the chancellor to help and he calls Darth Vader(health insurance).  The dark side is going to be our savior! I DON'T THINK SO.

Health insurance is the cause of all our evils.  Obama expanded health insurance. You want to bring health costs down eliminate heath care.  Bring in capitalism. Everyone knows the truth.  Obama sold us out to the dark side.
Where are you Luke Skywalker?


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