ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Election Year

I have always wanted to live in America, and the election of 2008 cemented my view.  However who knew electing a half white man, would lead to me wanting change and hope.  There is no hope left in America and the change is not in the horizon.  The half white man turned out to be the worst thing I could have hoped for.
His indifference and lack of decision making on the world stage as made this world a much more dangerous place.  Since his election 4 places I have visited many times have had major terrorist attacks. Genocide is running rampant again, and chemical weapons are being used without consequences.
Where is the hope my friends......where will the change come from?

Now look at the candidates on both sides... corrupt and imbeciles.  America is going to have to vote between two candidates it hates.  Neither Clinton or Trump have favorables in the general elections above 50%.  The Clintons are so corrupt its not even registering with America.  So there is no point in rehashing the corruptness of the Clinton foundation.  Trump is an imbecile, and those wanting to justify his campaign are secretly racists and scared of a world which is becoming less white, less controlled by the white men.

So who does a Muslim man who believes health insurance companies are more evil on humanity than any dictator or leader ( yes Hitler too) in history vote for in this election.

drum roll.......get ready....its going to shock you........


Here is why I want Donald Trump to win.  My biggest pain in America today is health insurance.  Its evil and the companies are destroying us.  I need to find a solution.  Now its obvious America will not go the capitalistic route for health insurance and a single payer government run insurance is considered socialist, so that out.  So I am resigned to the idea of finding a place which has government health insurance.  Its the lesser evil to put up with than socialist aspect and the high taxes.  I would go to Canada but I have done that and they cant win the Stanley Cup, so they are out.  My choice is European countries, like Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands....I will learn to deal with the cold.

How do I get these countries to take me in.  At my age I am not going to get in on my work or skills. I am married so I can't marry into the culture.  What they do is take refugees.  People persecuted in their own countries.  So if Trump wins, I can go seek asylum as Muslim refugee.  Hello....i am escaping a country whose presidents want me out.  Its 2@#$%^%$ brilliant.  Refugee status...probably media darling...europeans love Anti Americanism, and state health care....
yes my friends in 2016 I will be the face of American refugees....i will risk the flight across the continent and oceans to land on the shores of Scandinavia in search of freedom and equality and health care.
Trump 2016!!!!!

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