ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Frustrated Brown Man

Yesterday the world was presented with images of starving children.  Children dying because of starving.  All this done as a policy by Assad.  How can we humans in the west claim to be civilized and let this go on?  What in Allah's name is Obama doing? At least when Clinton was asleep at the job, he was getting a job.  What is this idiot doing? 
When did we become the country and the people who don't care about humanity?  This is what separated us from Russia and China.  This is gave us our standing.  The world knew what America stood for, even when Bush (take it from a Muslim, there are a lot of Muslims who need to be killed, don't get on your anti war high horse when you aren't living under tyranny and religions fanatics) was in power.  Now what? What leverage does Obama have? What is he going to do? Threaten to take away Assad's food?

History will condemn us all who put this hack in power.  It's disgraceful to humanity to have this man as a president of US.  Call me racist, but this half white man is the worst, incompetent president we have ever had and that is saying a lot, when you consider Clinton is in this category.

By the way, you know who is helping Syria implement the starvation policy? Iran!  Yeah make a deal with them.  Never thought I would be on the same side as Israel, and Saudi Arabia. 

I am angry and frustrated because the US government is failing everywhere and there seems to be no relief.  Don't even get me started on domestic issues and health care crap.

There is one thing I will not be thankful about tomorrow.  It's Obama on earth.  My biggest regret is I supported this $$$ and put him in office.  As an American I have started to apologise to my global friends, something I never had to before, even when Bush was in office.  If you are a human being waiting for freedom and equality don't look at US.  We are not going to help you. We will listen to you, if you want to talk.  If you are evil, hey we want to make a deal.  We are all about diplomacy.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Chinese disgrace….!!!!World power????

The crisis in the Philippines has shown the true colors of China. The whole world, including Saudi Arabia have sent plane loads of relief. The United States has sent its navy to help with effort. Being a part of this world is knowing your place and the reason the United States will never cease the mantle to China as a global leader is not military, not financial, and not political. Its what the US does in times of global crisis. It steps up. China has donated 1.5 million dollars to the effort. It started with 100k. Individual companies and people have given more. This is disgusting and a disgrace to China as part of humanity. They want to be world powers, a super nation, then they must understand the responsibilities of being such a power. Where are all those people that are always wanting to boycott America and and corporations? Why are they not shaming China into doing more. Why are we not boycotting their products? I guarantee you China will show up to sell stuff for the rebuilding effort and the contracts which go with that. I hope the Philippinos like the people of Syria remember who showed up when times were bad. Disgusting, and disgraceful….nothing more to say.