ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am as Black as Obama.

The President of United States the other night on David Letterman (how absurd is the idea of the President doing a talk show) claimed he was black before he was elected.
Barack Obama is as black as me, (a Muslim, with at best olive skin). He has had as much a black life as I have living in Canada.
Please, you are not even black to the blacks. During the campaign he had to convince the blacks he was black.
However now he chooses to be black.
If Obama believes he is black, then I am black.
In America racism is being used by a black man and a jewish man (his chief of staff) as a political card.
Well as a brown man, Muslim, born in Africa, let me be the first to say this.
You are doing a terrible job as a President. You have no idea what it means to be President. You are showing your inexperience. You are not working but giving speeches. DO THE GOD DAMM JOB. STOP ASKING ME FOR MONEY!
Now are you going to call me racist for saying what everyone needs to say.
A big fat disappointment. As someone who lived in Africa, it amazes me how quickly you have made me feel like I am living in an African country again.
You have the opportunity to change this around, but if you are anything like your black, African leaders, then I shouldn't hold my breath.

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Tell your parents to give me $25

The question is what happened to your postings? Well I was on summer vacation. This happens every year, the kids get off school and bother the crap out of me. As an Indian I only had kids as a retirement plan. When I am old, my kids are responsible for me.
When they ask me why I am not saving money, I say because I putting it into my retirement fund. My kids get all my money.

In truth I have been lazy. There was nothing which got me riled up this summer. Sure there were problems, Obama is like any other African leader, his inner circle is as incompetent as Clinton's, Osama and the muslims still doing stupid things, the environment people are still living a lie. You know you get tired of fighting the same fight. I need something new.

However now that school has started and fall is here I am sure someone is going to give me a cause. With all the crazy people in power its only a matter of time.

Heard Obama is going to talk to the children in school today. Hey the cigarette and soda companies and beer companies all know. You gotta market to the young.
Little boys and girls, stay in school, pray I don't screw it all up for you. When you graduate there may not be an economy. Tell your mommy and daddy to give the President $25 to help save the world......or else you will fail.

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