ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Friday, February 29, 2008

Rambo man of peace!

The government of Burma has banned Rambo! Under threat of death, the movie is banned in Burma. Its depiction is too close to the truth. However in its absurdity the government printed a review of the film in its papers.
Maybe they should have banned it based on its review. The movie was said to be terrible, badly acted, and fictional.
How come Rambo didn't get an oscar nomination? Michael Moore won an oscar for his bad, fictional documentary.

Anyways I went on opening night to watch Rambo, because in America you have the freedom to watch any movie you want.
And Rambo kills for freedom. I cheered everytime he killed a burmese soldier. Now if he would only make a Rambo which goes after Al Quida. "Rambo V; Hunt for Osama!"

I also have a suggestion for a line in the movie. As he is killing muslims I want Rambo to say..." Allah wakbar!" For the non muslims it means Allah is great.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hey Europeans! What say you?

Remember when the US declared war on Iraq and the Europeans went beserk because we didn't get the UN to help. Or they talked about civilian safety. Or they talked about innocent people dying. Well 10+ years in Dafur and no one is helping. Infact the UN won't because the same French, German, Italian and Russians who wanted to think about the people are holding back from designating it a genocide because then they would have to step up and participate.

So I include here a quote from President Bush today in Africa. The only world leader for the last 8 years who has been urging the world to deal with Dafur and fix the UN. How many people must die before the Europeans wake up? Let us not forget these are the culutures that allowed the Nazis to exist and exterminate Jews. Should we really expect more from them?

"If you're a problem solver, you put yourself at the mercy of the decisions of others, in this case, the United Nations," Bush said. "And I'm well known to have spoken out by the slowness of the United Nations. It is — seems very bureaucratic to me, particularly with people suffering."

Summing up his advice to the next president, he said: "Take problems seriously before they become acute, and then recognize that there's going to be a slowness in the response if you rely upon international organizations."

By the way, Barack you want to go talk to the leaders of the Genoside and see if they want to negotiate a peace? Who knows if you are nice they will slaughter less people on a monthly basis.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Life is Fatal

In recent days I have heard over and over again phrases which sound absurd. Perhaps its because English is not my first language. However the other day I heard; " if you don't change your diet you will face certain death." Is there any thing more certain than death? EVEN IF YOU CHANGE YOUR DIET YOU WILL FACE CERTAIN DEATH!

Yesterday I heard someone describe a disease as being fatal. This disease has no cure. It occurred to me, what is the cure? Regardless of the cure you are still going to die. You see the problem is LIFE IS FATAL!
There is no escaping death.

So like the people who have survived cancer or other serious ailments and vow to live life differently, I too am making this vow. I will not wait to survive cancer to treat life precious. Life is fatal and I need to live today knowing I could die. How different will my life be now that I know I could die. I will smell the roses longer, because I could die. I will appreciate the people around me because I could die. Before I found this out I had no idea. I kept thinking life would never end so why worry!

PEOPLE WAKE UP AND REALIZE LIFE IS FATAL. LIFE WILL KILL YOU!... So make the changes now. If you don't change you face CERTAIN DEATH!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Roses are not Red

Roses are not red,
Violets can be blue,
But not for you!

In that wonderful land of Saudi Arabia, they have banned anything red for this week. Because of Valentines day. So roses cannot be seen. Thus flowers are being delivered at night in stealth mode.

In honor of my suffering brothers and sisters, I am sorry to inform my wife there will not be any roses this valentine's day.
How can I buy you roses when so many are being deprived. Will you not join my movement and shun roses on Thursday.

Does that mean no killing or whipping or torture if it leads to blood?

How about Candy? Whats the Saudi position on candy?

The number 1 song on the Saudi top of the charts?
-Tina Turner and "whats love got to do with it"

Remember on March 17 Green is banned.

To my beloved:
Oil is Black
Money is Green
Lets not be seen!
Happy Valentines!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Why is God watching TV?

So I am watching televisions the last few weeks and I keep noticing this trend. Football players after the superbowl wanted to thank God first. Then at the Grammy's musicians first wanted to thank God.
All these interviews on television began with people thanking God.

Which brings me to ask this question. Why is God watching so much television? Does he not have a world to take care of?
If he would skip watching the super bowl or grammy's and perhaps worked on world peace or making more rain or .....

Really is that the problem with the world. Has God got satellite and now is addicted to television? It would sure seem like it. Atleast the musicians, athletes and celebrities believe so. They are convinced when they are on TV God is watching because instead of 'Hi Mom!' we get I want to ' thank God.'

So should I ever get on TV or if anyone of you ever get on TV can you please ask God to TURN THE TV OFF!!!!!!!!
Get back to work and fix the world please.
Can somebody buy God a Tivo?

Monday, February 04, 2008

I want a job in France

The rogue trader in France who cost his bank 7 plus billion dollars cannot be fired. The bank is having to go thru steps and hearings to try and get him fired. The French public is actually starting to cheer for him.

Yes I love France. I want a job in France. You can never get fired.

Viva la France!!!!!!