ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Life is Fatal

In recent days I have heard over and over again phrases which sound absurd. Perhaps its because English is not my first language. However the other day I heard; " if you don't change your diet you will face certain death." Is there any thing more certain than death? EVEN IF YOU CHANGE YOUR DIET YOU WILL FACE CERTAIN DEATH!

Yesterday I heard someone describe a disease as being fatal. This disease has no cure. It occurred to me, what is the cure? Regardless of the cure you are still going to die. You see the problem is LIFE IS FATAL!
There is no escaping death.

So like the people who have survived cancer or other serious ailments and vow to live life differently, I too am making this vow. I will not wait to survive cancer to treat life precious. Life is fatal and I need to live today knowing I could die. How different will my life be now that I know I could die. I will smell the roses longer, because I could die. I will appreciate the people around me because I could die. Before I found this out I had no idea. I kept thinking life would never end so why worry!

PEOPLE WAKE UP AND REALIZE LIFE IS FATAL. LIFE WILL KILL YOU!... So make the changes now. If you don't change you face CERTAIN DEATH!


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