ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Green Building????

So I am watching this show on how this house was built green. How the architect and the builders put the environment first. How they used "green" technology. It was all good and all worthwhile, however they missed a huge point. Is it " Green " to have big monstrous houses, which take more resources to build and sustain? How much weight should the green building put on the size of a home? If two people build a green house with 4500sq feet, is it really thinking green? No!!!!!!
I bet they watch "An inconvient truth" on their big plasma screens in each room in this green house. I bet there is prius in the three car garage!!!!

global warming another fad

All of sudden global warming has become a rich man's faddy issue. Anytime the rich and the celebrity hype an issue its a sign the issue is not the most important. Last week the UN put out their report on hunger. The UN a body that never has ever got anything right, and always undersells the reality put out the following figures. 18 000 childeren a day die of starvation, 850 million people go to bed hungry every night. Yet Al Gore is worried about Global warming whose cause can be blamed on the western world and mostly on the rich such as himself. Does a starving child care he is trying to fix global warming? Does it make sense to waste resources on an issue which can be better served by less consumerism and conservation by the biggest abusers of the world. Really I am tired of Al Gore and the convienient lie. Global warming is not the issue of the day. Its the hungry and the starving children. I have always been for conservation, and the environment but I cannot put my faith on the scientist when they try to predict what will happen in the future based on theory and not on facts. Whereas the deaths of children every day are facts. Not based on computer models of what may happen. How about you stop hurting your environment AL and help the kids, or is that not glamourous enough for you.?

Friday, February 02, 2007


When it comes to water, it is absurd the world buys bottled water. We should promote less use of water to ensure those who need clean water can get it. However as messed up as the western world is, it would be hard to make the change. So what I am suggesting is atleast re-use the water bottles once in a while. I like to refill my bottles with tap water. How many environmentalist like the "AL GORE OR ANY KENNEDY" are always seen with water bottles. Yeah save the planet, drink bottle water....please...is it any wonder I can't take these people seriously.