ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We all want immortality.  Even I, who had made a life in the back ground, have to admit each day I get older the more I feel the need to be immortal in some way.  I don't mean live forever, but in living after death. 
Famous people who have achieved fame perhaps can achieve immortality. Rich ruthless rulers thru monuments such as pyramids can achieve some type of immortality, but most of us come and go without leaving a trace.  Of all those who have walked this planet, how many are known? Everyone believes they belong, and everyone wants their life to matter.
In that regard I have always thought your only legacy is leaving behind children who carry your name, DNA, believes, and views. As legacy this is more than enough.  However not all of us can have children, nor all children are clones of you.  More importantly we need to document all those who have walked this earth.

Shakespeare's famous line "to be or not to be" is about existence. Cogito ergo sum (French: "Je pense donc je suis"; English: "I think, therefore I am") is a philosophical Latin statement proposed by René Descartes. Thru time man needs to prove he exists.  I like Descartes' ideas but I believe humans are more closely relate to the  " If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" philosophy.  We need someone else to know we exited for us to exist.  A tree falling in the woods without anyone seeing it does not exist for us humanity. We need to be recognized.

Immortality is now available to all humans! Since the launching of LiFEWALL.ORG there is now a place for all of us announce our existence for all eternity.  Their birth tile allows everyone to put themselves up on a wall which will outlive us all.  Now your existence can be proven. Lifewall allows you to immortalize your life, love, and views for all eternity. I am on LiFEWALL, therefore I am!
So go ahead and belong.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fast food problem

So recently I found myself complaining while I waited for my child to get her food at McDonald's.  How did I get here?  How did a few minutes extra for food become a reason for anger.  I had to step back and remind myself the world is full of people not getting food.  How long do they wait for food?  We have food, so now we bitch about how quickly we get it. 
We have become a world of obscene appetites.  In America our servings are too big!  WE EAT TOO MUCH!
How simple can it get?  Eat less.

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Friday, April 05, 2013



Read this and ask yourself how will history judge our spineless leader.
Why should the people in the world trust America?
May the victims in Syria curse his name.

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