ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, September 08, 2014


The world is unjust. In a world ruled by man, women are are property, sometimes treated worst than animals.  All the religions in this world fail women. Why do women believe in religion? What does God do for you? If God is just, then you should be equal to men in his eyes. The men should give you the same privileges as themselves. Why are God's men abusing God's women?

What happens to women around this world is a disgrace to those claiming to be religious, humans or civilised.  In every corner of the world women are under attack and no one, including women in power do anything to help.
I have two daughters and since the birth of my first daughter, it has been a thorn in my side every time I read a story about women being abused, killed, and treated as possessions.

This past week the UN published a report which state one in ten women are abused sexually!  Who is doing the abusing? Men!

Women are dying as the men fight over land, ideology, power, money everywhere as collateral damage.  Women are kidnapped, raped, and killed for the pleasure of these fighters.  Has anyone found the 200 girls yet?  Is anyone solving this problem? No but we can fly one American who gets Ebola immediately across the planet. We can kill a leader of a terrorist group in Somalia at night, because he threatens commerce? 

A 15 year old girl was raped, killed and burned in Indianapolis. The police claim it was an unknown assailant to her. What the fuck?!!! Does this imply it's OK?  This act is not tolerable ever if you consider yourself a part of humanity. On the other side of the planet an Indian girl is raped and killed for protesting the public beating of her father. The whole scenario of public beating by so called elders is wrong, but killing a girl for coming to her father's aide is evil.  The father should sexually violate these men before killing them in the most painful way possible. This is an ongoing issue in India.  Let not Indians tell us they are civilized. A society based on caste system is not an enlightened society. Is it any wonder the Indians let the British rule them?

The great US is also just as guilty.  A society where a football player punches out his fiancee out cold and he gets to keep his high profile job, because the football team needs him to keep making money!  Look at the role models presented to our girls.  From the idiotic Kim to the possible future President Hillary. I would never let my daughters grow up to look at Hillary as role model.  A woman who let a sexual predator, a liar, stay around because she wanted power? My daughters and women should look at her as what is wrong with women. A woman protected a man over a fellow woman for personal, selfish reasons. Hillary cares for no cause but Hillary!  150 million women in America and we can't find one better, younger smarter woman?  A woman of integrity, intelligence and not saddled with a predator, lying spouse. 

When women are protesting against war in the middle East, do they think about the women?  About how the women of the world need us to fight tyranny, ideology, and culture of sexism. Don't pretend you are for peace, if peace continues  the brutality of women.  We fight for Jews, and the Black's in apartheid, but the women of the Muslim world don't deserve freedom?

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