ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, July 14, 2008

I love ICC

I love the ICC. Even thou they have no power, they still do what the UN and the world should be doing. ICC is the international Criminal Court. ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Bashir the leader of Sudan and the evil behind Dafur.
The world has talked and talked and never done anything. However ICC is not concerned with diplomacy but justice.
In issuing this they are putting the leader on notice and pressuring countries which don't want to make a move for economic reasons. Largest supplier of arms to Sudan is also the nation which vetos all UN resolutions dealing with Dafur. China!!!!
If the warrant is issued he (evil bastard) will be liable for arrest in 109 countries.

Its not much to those being starved, killed and raped every day, however its something.
In my world we would just take over the damm country and string up all these animals.
Actually I would round them up and starve them in refugee camp in the desert. Every night send people in there who want to fuck them. Give them some food, keep them alive and do it again. I would also make the feed live on the net so people like me and those freed can get some emotional satisfaction.

How about I start a camp somewhere in the desert, where abuse is the norm and food is scarce and the world can send me all the criminals, satans out there. Mughabe, Bashir and all their followers. A camp for the devils. How awesome would that be.
Maybe then actors could go around asking the world for better treatment of them. The UN could pass resolutions to condemn it and sanction me. How about the US propose to stop it and Germany, China and France veto it.
How about China giving me discounts on the arms I need to keep these animals in the cage and controlled. The UN could send a force to maintain peace but they are not allowed to engage my staff or stop the abuse. Just maintain a presence. The UN will send food for the refugees and I will give to the people outside instead of inside.

Maybe Bono can hold a concert for their plight?
Or maybe someone will right a blog about me and how I abuse these people?

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