ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Regret, I have one now.

I have always lived life without regrets. Its makes life happy. You can make mistakes, but you should not regret your choices. Every turn we take makes us who we are.

So it started as a joke. Early this year I joked to one of my best friends we should go see Michael in London. It was a joke for a few days, then he started to get serious. Being who he is and how he is, it went from a joke to a done deal. Then we tried to convince the wives, who were not interested. So it became this trip to London to see Michael and a week of luxe life. Catch a soccer game and party.
It was still a joke and we were still making fun of it, but as the summer drew I was starting to get excited. I was starting to look forward to it.
Then Michael died. So the joke continued. Damm I had tickets, we were going to go and hang out.

Last night we went and saw "This is It" the Michael Jackson film about the preparations for the London concerts. It was in the movie as I sat and watched the staging of "The way you make me feel" that I had a regret.

I finally had to admit I regret not having had a chance to see this concert. This would have been amazing. Its sad to see this film, because we know what happened, but when you watch, you realize Michael Jackson was it.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Millions for Muslims from Obama

President "give me $25" Obama has announced he is giving away millions of US dollars to Muslim private sector to promote new technology and innovations.

Are you as baffled as me? What?????
Anyways I am thinking Hamas and Al-Quida are already putting in their proposals to better vests. Smarter suicide vests. Better technology to blow up cars, so they can do more damage with less explosives. The research, design and creations of these products should create a lot of jobs.

Here is something I have said a million times before: How about no money for no Muslim country or Muslim business until they give equal rights to their women. How about give me 125 million dollars and I will build schools for girls only. Wow education for women. Is that sound good to you? I will build the schools and staff them for 10 years with a 125 million dollar grant. And to please the Obama adm. I am willing to include a course on how to build the better vest.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Talent?

There is an uproar in America about the cutting of pay and bonuses for companies who have received money from the government. First its my money, and if you need my money then you need to stop paying such salaries. Second the banks such as Morgan Stanley and such are complaining because they are worried the government may impose rules on them. I am all for capitalism, however if you take money from the government, or you need a guarantee from the government or get cheap loans from the Fed, then you are under our rules. Why are they getting cheap loans or help? Let them fail.

The insult is the continuing cries of if we don't pay the salaries or bonuses we will lose talent to others. What fucking talent? The talent that has brought us here? These are the idiots who brought us to this place. There was no talent there to begin with. None of these people would survive if they weren't getting help from the government. They accuse us of not being capitalist. They are right. We should withdraw all help from these nuts and then lets see what they can do.

Talent? My ass!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Women of Note

We have always promoted equality of sex. We have always promoted the rights of differences.
Today we recommend the two books written by women about the muslim world. There are parts we do not agree with but many more we admire. And as books written by women about the Muslim world it is our duty to promote and give our approval. In our ideal world our approval should not matter. In a free world you read whatever you choose.

"Questioning the Veil: Open letters to Muslim Women." by Marnia Lazreg

"A Woman among Warlords" by Malalai Joya

In Ms. Joya's case her life as an Afghan and her stance against the drug lords and the corruption of the government puts her in danger every minute of her life. Let us pray she does not win the Nobel prize and have her accomplishments tarnished by the now infamous award.

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Bank of Dar es Salam

I have decided I am taking all my money out of an American bank and putting it in the Bank of Dar es Salam. Can you see the visa card from the bank of Dar es Salam?
Or perhaps take all my assets out of England and move them to Burundi? Burundi Credit Union.
You may ask yourself, has he lost his mind? Has he been taking drugs? NO!!!!

The world economic forum put out their rankings of countries and the soundness of their banks. The United States came in at 108. Tanzania at 107. I mean so what my money could disappear overnight. So what there are no interest rates or safe guards. Its still better than US. Will you accept a check from Bank of Dar es Salam?

Now what is even worse for our English friends is England is at 126 behind Burundi.
Please cancel my policy with Lloyds of London and transfer it to Babatunde of Burundi.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Every Six Second, one...two..three..four..five..six..DEAD!

Every six seconds in the world a child dies of malnutrition. So as you finish this sentence DEAD, another child has died. One billion people in the world (DEAD) are going hungry. One billion people in the world are at the same time, trying to lose (DEAD) weight, because they are fat. One billion people in the world at the same time are complaining (DEAD) about the food they have. How is this a better time in history? How can we individually (DEAD) do better. It was a mantra for myself, but it keeps becoming more and more relevant everyday. (DEAD) Live Less, do more. live less, give more. live less, save more. (DEAD)
Eight kids dead and counting as you read this....NINE......

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