Regret, I have one now.
So it started as a joke. Early this year I joked to one of my best friends we should go see Michael in London. It was a joke for a few days, then he started to get serious. Being who he is and how he is, it went from a joke to a done deal. Then we tried to convince the wives, who were not interested. So it became this trip to London to see Michael and a week of luxe life. Catch a soccer game and party.
It was still a joke and we were still making fun of it, but as the summer drew I was starting to get excited. I was starting to look forward to it.
Then Michael died. So the joke continued. Damm I had tickets, we were going to go and hang out.
Last night we went and saw "This is It" the Michael Jackson film about the preparations for the London concerts. It was in the movie as I sat and watched the staging of "The way you make me feel" that I had a regret.
I finally had to admit I regret not having had a chance to see this concert. This would have been amazing. Its sad to see this film, because we know what happened, but when you watch, you realize Michael Jackson was it.
Labels: Michael Jackson