ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Women of Note

We have always promoted equality of sex. We have always promoted the rights of differences.
Today we recommend the two books written by women about the muslim world. There are parts we do not agree with but many more we admire. And as books written by women about the Muslim world it is our duty to promote and give our approval. In our ideal world our approval should not matter. In a free world you read whatever you choose.

"Questioning the Veil: Open letters to Muslim Women." by Marnia Lazreg

"A Woman among Warlords" by Malalai Joya

In Ms. Joya's case her life as an Afghan and her stance against the drug lords and the corruption of the government puts her in danger every minute of her life. Let us pray she does not win the Nobel prize and have her accomplishments tarnished by the now infamous award.

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