ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Millions for Muslims from Obama

President "give me $25" Obama has announced he is giving away millions of US dollars to Muslim private sector to promote new technology and innovations.

Are you as baffled as me? What?????
Anyways I am thinking Hamas and Al-Quida are already putting in their proposals to better vests. Smarter suicide vests. Better technology to blow up cars, so they can do more damage with less explosives. The research, design and creations of these products should create a lot of jobs.

Here is something I have said a million times before: How about no money for no Muslim country or Muslim business until they give equal rights to their women. How about give me 125 million dollars and I will build schools for girls only. Wow education for women. Is that sound good to you? I will build the schools and staff them for 10 years with a 125 million dollar grant. And to please the Obama adm. I am willing to include a course on how to build the better vest.

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