ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Can have your cake and eat it too

We never got American sayings, however this one we are going to use.

Globally there was a ruckus when France bans burka's and head scarves.  All Muslim countries and their governments comment on freedom of choice and racism.  We believe everyone has the right to their culture, however we contend it should not be imposed on others and your culture must take a back seat to the country you live in.  If the country you chose to live in has a different set of rules, then you must adapt. Otherwise find a country which fits your cultural need.

This week the muslim and western presses presented a story condemning the actions of Marie La Pen for refusing to wear a head scarf for a meeting with a cleric in the middle east.  Here at MMM we support her actions.  If you want the world to respect your culture, you must support theirs. You can't demand the world respect your culture and then insist guests in your country must abandon theirs.  I think this is wanting a cake and eat it too?

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Monday, January 09, 2017

End of the book

After years and years of blogging here, the time has come to end the book.  Its not the end of blogging its just the end of this book.
Life is about chapters, and this chapter has ended.
My new world began this year.  The same mind will be blogging, but now its more controlled and directed.
The new chapter has distinct goals of leaving a different legacy.
Its been an interesting journey, and reading back its amazing how I have been right and wrong over time.
This will not be eliminated, but if you enjoy this chapter come join me in my new space.


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Tuesday, December 06, 2016


I don't think legacy can be discussed or known until long after the person has passed and time has elapsed to see the true impact.  So its crazy to read these glowing or in my case the not so glowing assessment of the spineless one.  Sorry just can't get myself to be objective.  

Its well documented my hatred and disgust at the half white President, so addressing his legacy is not something I want to do.  I get as angry as anti-trump people when I start thinking of the legacy of the spineless one.

I am hoping time adjusts what I feel has been the biggest evil on humanity.  Sometimes short term pain leads to long term success and I am more than happy to forgive and admit my mistakes if humanity benefits from this last President and his administration.  

However I am afraid not in my lifetime will I see the positive effects if there are any from the policies of this half white spineless one.   Children dying by hundreds of thousands in Syria and the Mediterranean, War and uncertainty globally as no one knows who the parent is anymore.  Instead of globalism we have nationalism as the philosophy everywhere, this with a half white President.  Its no consequence this has happened in the last 8 years.  Too many people got dazzled by the half white nature and forgot to see objectively the destruction being caused by his policies of inaction.  The rich get richer and poor get killed.  That's the Obama legacy.  Trump is the consequence.

I hope sincerely I am wrong and in time this post is a proven wrong in everyway.   I didn't even address the domestic damage of the health care, for fear for my blood pressure and heart, as in the new America I can't afford to get sick because of the Affordable Health Care Act.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Hope and Optimism is America.

A week after the stunning victory and America is still alive. There is a lot of anger out there and it's understandable. You should be angry.  What is the most interesting is who is the most angry in America.  I was caught off guard by who took this Democratic loss the hardest.

First off its the foreigners on social media and I say to them #$&@! Y'all.  You don't live in our country and had no idea what our daily lives are and what our issues are.  The same foreigners who want to say America needs to stop being the bully are the same ones consumed by our election.  Hey the winner claims he wants to be inclusive, you should be happy.

My true friends on the losing side were heartbroken but they could see why and how this happened and began to admit there is an issue in America where a whole bunch of people felt left out. Is it not a sign of democracy when the downtrodden can effect the election?  It's should be a positive when the money and influence get defeated.

The angry are the snobs. Snobbery came to light and snobbery lost.  All those people deep in their heart who believe they are better than those who have an opposing view.  Yes you may be a liberal and peace nik but you feel those who are not aligned with you are not your equal as human beings.  The opposing voice makes them angry. They are considered ignorant. It's ignorance because their priority is not yours.  So you have angry white snobs rioting in Portland and such.  Do you notice the cities with the riots are not really inner cities who have issues? These are spoiled kids who can't believe, there are people who don't think like them. Who talked about the system and tradition when their opponent threatened to contest and now they are doing it violently. They don't see the irony.

Angry liberal media snobs. The media in America has for a long time stop representing the people. They are elites busy telling people what they thought instead of covering what the people were thinking. They highlighted one candidates faults while hiding the others thinking the electorate was stupid. They were all wrong on their coverage and predictions because it was based on them and not the people they claim to represent.

Intellectual academia snobs. These are the people who would tell us how destructive one candidate was to the psychology of America while never addresing the past damage already done by the other candidate. These group would continue to find excuses to justify what was wrong and unethical. Discounting the influence of a class which is not interested in their views.

Around me this week there were a lot of sad people at the state of America but the angry ones showed their snobbery. The angry ones can not believe sane reasonable people could vote for the winner.  Since it never occurred to them that anything besides their view is acceptable.  The angry ones are still trying to claim;  the voters who voted have no idea what they voted for, (which could turn out to be true) but they know why they voted as such and they cannot be look down upon.  I voted for Obama and did not get what I expected but I don't remember people looking down at me for voting for change. Voting for an unknown quantity. Biggest regret of my life.

America will survive this as it did the half white spineless one, but hopefully Americans have learned the lesson of over looking the disfranchised. The Democratic party lost poor working people. How?  Because the party and media wanted to be the elite. 

Eight years ago I was heartened with my country because it did what was unexpected. It elected a half white man. Thou I did not endorse this candidate I felt  heartened that America again did what I thought was not possible. It rejected the establishment against all odds. It reaffirms people can change America. Now we the people must start giving ourselves better candidates to represent us.  This hopefully breaks the system. Hope and optimism is America.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2016

The Day Before Hell!!!!

It's the day before the worst day in America.  I could say worst day in the world, but the world has already experienced a bunch of these days because of the Spineless one and his inaction. Syria, Nigeria, Greece, Turkey, Yemen,..dead children and raped women.  Every day a child is being murdered and a woman being raped and in North America people worry about getting involved.  I digress, read previous posts.

Tomorrow in America we are going to wake up with the worst President America has elected, regardless of who wins.  95 % of Americans are going to vote for someone today they know is corrupt, narcissist, inept, incompetent and racist.  However 95% of the Americans who each believe they are sane reasonable people will suspend logic, ignore facts to justify their vote. So called intelligent human beings are going against what they have stood for, ethics and morality and vote for their flawed candidates.  Each side is blind to the truth about their candidate.  Each side takes positions which are immoral in defending their choice.

So the winner of this election will be the worst candidate we have elected, but more importantly will face a significant amount of the population who are angry.  The divides have been deepened.  The 1% have used propaganda machine to brain wash the poorest and least educated, and amazingly they have been able to use the same method on the middle class and the educated.

Facts do not matter in America anymore.
Ethics are no longer important.
Money and Influence are the most important tools for success.
Hard Work is not relevant.
Hypocrisy rules America.

And the saddest part of all, the global innocents will pay a bigger price, as we have learned over the last 8 years...

So me, I am going to have a Krispy Kreme donut, a good bourbon, a great hamburger, a cigarette and pray I die before I wake.....Cause tmrw the only chance ( slim) I have to not be in hell, is if I die today.

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Thursday, October 06, 2016

Bill can tell the truth

Who would have bet Bill Clinton could tell the truth, but I think he is going senile.  This week he went off the reservation and told the truth about the Affordable Health Care.  What all of my friends who don't live in America never see what is happening to us.
This health care idea is the worst idea ever.  Its amazing how the non americans love it, but would they if they lived here?  Your monthly bill goes up and the coverage goes down.  How is that a better system?

Now Billy all of sudden says the same thing.  I am worried, with this new truth telling mode, he is going to get himself killed.  Hillary will fry him if he continues on this trail.  TRUTH is not a HILLARY campaign platform.

"So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," he continued. (bill C, )

You know what's crazier?  Your wife running for President! 

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hypocrisy, Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!

Thats the word which is driving me nuts.  It could be this election cycle, or it could be me getting old, but I see hypocrisy everywhere and it drives me crazy.

The number 1 culprit is ofcourse the Clintons.  They should have their name as a synonym for hypocrisy. Every time she opens her mouth to criticise the idiot, she is talking about herself or her husband.  The fact they can do this with a straight face is unbelievable.

Then you have the spineless one talking about the idiot being bad for the world.  Has he looked at the world lately?  More kids, and women died under his leadership then any other US President in modern times. Talks about climate change but hasn't stood up for anyone.  Ask the environmentalist and the Indians who stands for them.

The democratic party talks about working people, yet all their fundraisers are celebrities and the rich.

George Clooney goes out there talking about Sudan pretending to be a humanitarian, but raises funds for Hillary at a $35K a person dinner at his house.  Really!!!! Suppose to take you seriously?

Bill talks about corruption.  Bill!!!!!!  Don't have to say anymore, just Bill!!!!

Hillary goes out there and says "there is smoke but no fire."  WTF.  There is never smoke without fire.
Ask Bill if there is sperm without ejaculation?  I bet he says yes!

I am not even going to Trump cause its a walking talking hypocrisy.

The biggest disappointment is the media. Every single entity is biased and pretends to be reporting facts.  Lets make these idiots tell us what candidate they are voting for each time they are on the air.  Under their names it should say their candidate then we can honestly weigh their report.   Has anyone seen how bad Charlie Rose has become.  Use to be my idol, now his lips are covered in Clinton Obama ass.

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