ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hey Indians, Hey India, shut the fuck up!!!!

A member of the indian consulate got arrested in NY city and now the Indian press and people are all up in arms over her treatment.
Here is what is wrong with India.  She got arrested because she mistreated her house worker that she brought from India with a false visa.  She used false statements, and then broke the rule about how much the house staff was getting paid.  She paid her $3.31 an hour.
This is the arrogance of the Indian upper classes which they kept and got from the freaking British.
If you are in America then follow the law.  This is not India and America doesn't give a fuck if you are not to be treated that way.

What is wrong with you Indians?  You should be happy the ruling class got fixed for abusing the poor help. You should be cheering about the treatment and insisting the same in your country when these so called special people break laws. You kicked the British out for this type of behavior now you are doing the same to your own people.  Shame on you.

The Indians don't think they should even be searched when they are diplomats.  How did Indians become more British then the Brits.

Smarten up!!!!
There is no point in being cordial when you read this kind of story.  Here I am fighting to make the world equal and the damm Indians are hanging on the traditions which separate us.

I am sorry for my language but when I read this story thats what was going thru my mind.  Shut the fuck up!  Feed the poor, help the girls, and bring your country out of its mess before you get your arms up because one of your diplomats got caught lying, breaking the law and being an arrogant  ass…...

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bah humbug!!!

Let's get this out front.  I am Muslim and I have never been a fan of Christmas.  Part of it is I never grew up with it, so I cannot relate to any memories from childhood.  Then as I grew up I became a proponent of living less, which in today's age means being against the current meaning of Christmas.  Christmas means consumerism today.  It's all about buying things.  It's all about selling things.  Marketing!

I have been anti red movement and the pink breast cancer campaign. Both campaigns are used by corporations to increase their sales.  It never helps anyone but the corporation and their bottom line.

So it's not a surprise I am the only one disgusted by the hoopla over an airline an their little Christmas stunt.  They asked passengers what they would like and then when the plane landed the gifts came wrapped on the conveyor belt..ahhh what a wonderful gesture....@&$!!! That shit!!!

First of all most people getting on the plane don't need help with gifts. Second giving them gifts is not what helping people at Christmas is about. 

How about taking that money and feeding the hungry? Donating the amount to those who need the help. Every city has a food bank.  I will only fly that airline if they have the cheapest flight and even that will not guarantee my business.  Now that I know how they are willing to manipulate the people and the cause to increase the business.  I bet all those people who saw this add vowed  be their customers. How  their business has gone up. And the people (smart ones) got manipulated. 

C'mon when are we going too get smart?  Ask yourself, who benefits from this stunt?  Not, the hungry, the poor, and those who need the most at Christmas.  Only the airlines bottom line is the winner.

Yeah call me scrounge but when I help someone the motive is real.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


What can I say, which the world doesn't know. I have been a huge fan of Mandela. The only leader in Africa to give up power willingly. How come the rest of the people in power don't get it. How come we the people let those in power stay. The saddest thing is the people who are out there today using his name and his legacy to justify themselves. Vanity and cowardice is not Mandela. Indifference is not Mandela. Our condolences to the family and the world. However let me be the first to say, Obama has no right to give the speech he gave. He cannot talk about the mantle and justice. This is the man who sits on the sidelines as people all over the world rise up for freedom and democracy. He lets people get killed in Syria, he lets people get killed in Iran, he lets the muslim world abuse their women and not a peep comes out. Mandela would not tolerate any of this. Do not kid yourself, making speeches was not Mandela. On a day of mourning and celebration I ended up being frustrated and angry because this half white president went to South Africa and threw a stone when he lives a glass house.

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