Thank you Bush?
So now all across the Middle East all rulers are scared and nervous. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Algeria, Yemen, Iran and Morocco. Every leader knows their people are ready to take them out. Every leader knows their time is up. Corruption, abuse of power, raping of resources for family and friends had brought them here.
Every leader knows he is evil. The last five minutes before bed, when they fall asleep, they know in their minds and hearts, they are doing wrong.
Now when the world waits anxiously for what will come next, there is a country in the middle east where the government sleeps in peace and people know they are free and they do not have a government pushing down on them. Iraq.
When Bush went to Iraq, this is why I supported it. The muslim world and the middle east needed to be woken up. The pot needed to be stirred. And now it simmers and boils over...hurray for the world. So at some point someone somewhere in the middle east needs to thank President Bush.
Every leader knows he is evil. The last five minutes before bed, when they fall asleep, they know in their minds and hearts, they are doing wrong.
Now when the world waits anxiously for what will come next, there is a country in the middle east where the government sleeps in peace and people know they are free and they do not have a government pushing down on them. Iraq.
When Bush went to Iraq, this is why I supported it. The muslim world and the middle east needed to be woken up. The pot needed to be stirred. And now it simmers and boils over...hurray for the world. So at some point someone somewhere in the middle east needs to thank President Bush.