ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Monday, November 27, 2006

A civil war?

What is civil about a war? How do you fight a war with civility? War is hell! War is about principles and hatred. No civility required or present.
So is Iraq in the midst of a civil war? Who knows, but why do americans not want them to have one, when this country is defined by its civil war?
Until Sunnis and Shia's learn to live together, they will never be able survive in the modern world. In order for muslim countries to succeed in the global village they must once in for all unite. Only unity can bring freedom and democracy.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Change is good!

The US house and senate were flipped. It is a good sign when governments are changed. Governments should always have limits. Most politicians become corrupt with power. The US needs term limits on the Senate and the house.
Politics should never be a profession. It should be a service one does for one's country.
Perhaps we should stop paying politicians salary. They should get their expenses paid while they serve, after which they go back to their lives. While serving they should get a stipend. However their room and board can be provided by the government.

Let's give it try, it can't be worse than it is today. The system needs a third party and a shake up. Only the people can do this. Neither party or its power will do so. The people in power have to ensure their future by keeping the masses down and out.

Let us all vow to vote out all those who run for re-election. In a few cycles we may force the politicians to listen to the people and govern for the people.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Its voting day and you must vote in order to have the right to bitch. You can't bitch about politics if you don't vote.
There isn't anyone I want to vote for so I use my trusted system. Never the incumbent, and elimination. So you have to pick the one that least offends you. Politics should not be a carreer, but service. Thus incumbents must always be dumped.
Now that I have voted, I have renewed my right to bitch.
So on politics today.
-The US needs a third choice. Both parties suck.
-No one should ever vote for anyone named Bush or Clinton in America again. Oh yeah add Kennedy to that list.
-Never vote for actors.
-Never vote for rich people ( wait do they allow the middle class and the poor to run? )

Now that I think about it, maybe they should include "none of the above" as an alternative.
It would work for me.

ps has any one else thought it would be cool to add Stevie Wonder music to Michael J Fox commercial? btw I am all for stem cell research, before you start flipping out.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Genius Kerry
John Kerry yesterday said if we you didn't get an education you would end up in Iraq. Implying soldiers are dumb. Then to recover he said he meant you would get us stuck in Iraq. It was suppose to be a dig at Bush. Bush went to Yale. So dumb people come out of Yale? Works for me.
You should go to school, get an education and hopefully you will learn to stay out of politics. However if you don't learn ( getting an education doesn't guarantee you learn ) and remain the ass you started out as you could become a president or a senator or a wife of a president/senator or all the other numbskulls out there.
Soldiers in America are smart because they realized early their road out of their position in society was going to be with the military. That is smart. Now someday we hope they marry heiresses and run for president.

To show how smart he is, Kerry insists he will not apologize. I think Kerry in 08 is going to be a shoe in. America doesn't need Borat, we have politicians.