ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Genius Kerry
John Kerry yesterday said if we you didn't get an education you would end up in Iraq. Implying soldiers are dumb. Then to recover he said he meant you would get us stuck in Iraq. It was suppose to be a dig at Bush. Bush went to Yale. So dumb people come out of Yale? Works for me.
You should go to school, get an education and hopefully you will learn to stay out of politics. However if you don't learn ( getting an education doesn't guarantee you learn ) and remain the ass you started out as you could become a president or a senator or a wife of a president/senator or all the other numbskulls out there.
Soldiers in America are smart because they realized early their road out of their position in society was going to be with the military. That is smart. Now someday we hope they marry heiresses and run for president.

To show how smart he is, Kerry insists he will not apologize. I think Kerry in 08 is going to be a shoe in. America doesn't need Borat, we have politicians.


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