The Greatest
In Africa in 1971 we had no television. In our town there were maybe two or three televisions and if there were televisions there wasn't much to see. At the age of six I was already a sports addict and thou I had never seen a fight, Muhammad Ali was a favorite of mine. My grandmother use to tell me how when he lost the first fight to Frasier I threw a fit and would not accept it. I kept telling my dad it was not so, and ended up breaking my grandmother's glasses and thermos when I threw a soccer ball in the house in anger.
In 1974 we had just moved to Canada, and my dad along with some of our uncles were immigrants in a new country and new culture. Ali was going to fight Foreman and it was going to be closed circuit broadcast. These immigrants used what little money they had and bought tickets, and my father took me. I was nine. It was the first time I saw a fight live or on television. I have vivid memories of standing on a chair just to see the screen and shouting when Ali won. Like always the sense relief when your favorite finally wins was overwhelming.. I love it. Forever an ALI fan.
In my teens I started to learn about history and again the amazement to learn about his stand against the war and on principle. He was no longer a boxer but a hero, and idol. When I got to University my education broadened into civil rights and I found myself, as do all immigrants aligning with Malcolm X instead of King. Whatever it is in my African DNA, it makes me a Malcolm X person and so my ideology of of rights, ethics, life were established.
A decade later I came to learn that Malcolm brought Ali to religion and was his mentor. They may have had a falling out, but the base was set by Malcolm. Thus from the age of six, I have been a fan of Ali, the man and now today fifty years later I still believe in the things he and Malcolm believed.
Today I am saddened as one of my idols had gone and the world is so in need of men as such today. The current American president highlights even more how great Ali and Malcolm were, as today there are no leaders with principle, back bone, courage to stand for whats right.
I have taught my children about Ali and Malcolm and I hope they do the same to their children. In this family we stand for whats right, and we have ethics.
Its not bragging when its a fact, and it is a fact....Ali is the Greatest.....
Condolences to your family.
Condolences to the world in dire need of men such as you....may Allah bless us again with someone like you soon.
In 1974 we had just moved to Canada, and my dad along with some of our uncles were immigrants in a new country and new culture. Ali was going to fight Foreman and it was going to be closed circuit broadcast. These immigrants used what little money they had and bought tickets, and my father took me. I was nine. It was the first time I saw a fight live or on television. I have vivid memories of standing on a chair just to see the screen and shouting when Ali won. Like always the sense relief when your favorite finally wins was overwhelming.. I love it. Forever an ALI fan.
In my teens I started to learn about history and again the amazement to learn about his stand against the war and on principle. He was no longer a boxer but a hero, and idol. When I got to University my education broadened into civil rights and I found myself, as do all immigrants aligning with Malcolm X instead of King. Whatever it is in my African DNA, it makes me a Malcolm X person and so my ideology of of rights, ethics, life were established.
A decade later I came to learn that Malcolm brought Ali to religion and was his mentor. They may have had a falling out, but the base was set by Malcolm. Thus from the age of six, I have been a fan of Ali, the man and now today fifty years later I still believe in the things he and Malcolm believed.
Today I am saddened as one of my idols had gone and the world is so in need of men as such today. The current American president highlights even more how great Ali and Malcolm were, as today there are no leaders with principle, back bone, courage to stand for whats right.
I have taught my children about Ali and Malcolm and I hope they do the same to their children. In this family we stand for whats right, and we have ethics.
Its not bragging when its a fact, and it is a fact....Ali is the Greatest.....
Condolences to your family.
Condolences to the world in dire need of men such as you....may Allah bless us again with someone like you soon.
Labels: Ali, Courage, ethics, Greatest, Inspiration, Peace, RIP