ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Vote out Incumbents

I have tried to avoid commenting on the election as this is the year where the fallacy of American democracy gets exposed.  I gave money to Bernie Sanders because I liked some of his positions.  I din't agree with everything but it was what he wasn't which made me give him money.  He wasn't Hillary and Donald.

I knew he wasn't going to win, as the machine was working against him and he isn't serious about change.  I don't think he believed he would get the support he got and then he didn't want to win by any means necessary.

I don't need to spend time making a case against Trump, because the one thing he isn't is subtle.  You know his positions.

However now we know the Clinton machine was working against Bernie, yet this week the democratic party is trying to convince us Hillary is the future and nothing is wrong with America.  I live here, everything is wrong with America.  If you cannot face the truth, how are you going to change this situation?

Obama who I hate almost as much as Bill yesterday talked elegantly again, but with no substance.  He is like the snake in Jungle book for Americans, his speech hypnotizes smart people into believing the lies.  Nothing has happened under his leadership.  The world is a mess.  America is divided and burning on the streets.

His greatest lie yesterday was Hillary is the most qualified person to ever run for office.  see. blog
hillary qualifications

His only truth she is more qualified than him.  Yes he was the least qualified person to run for office...Thats the truth.  It is my opinion if this man was not half white, the people would not be so generous in their assessment of his time.  He has been bad, bad, bad....
If I tell my friends anything bad about Israel and its behavior its considered anti-Semitic, and so anything negative about Obama is considered racist or anti black, but he is the worst president America has had for humanity.  Disgraceful.

I had hope, and I wanted change... There is no hope left and the change was bad.  I had coffee with a young democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter and he gave me hope the young are not foolish and naive.  He is never going to support Clinton or the establishment again.   He and his friends are hurt by Bernie and how quickly he caved in to the powers.....

I have said this over and over, the establishment on both sides needs to be thrown out.

Vote out incumbents in one cycle and the system will reset.

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