ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It amuses me to no end, how the American society wants to always clarify life into two sides.  As if you don't agree with one idea or policy, then you must be in the opposition.  There are issues which fit this criteria for me. These are the issues of equality and freedom.  It is only these issues where I become black or white.  Either you are for freedom and equality or you are not.  There are no degrees of freedom and equality.
What I find most now in life is I am not category friendly.  I cannot agree with one side all the time.  I believe most of the world is like me, however the vocal, active voices tend to be the staunch believers.  

You are either conservative or liberal.   Republican or democrat.  Left or right.  With Israel or against.  For Palestinians or against.  There seems to be no flexibility.  
Eastern or Western philosophy.  Christian or Muslim?  On and on. You must pick a side and stick with it.
I am a big believer in not sitting on the fence.  Believe in something or you will fall every time.  What irks me is the idea that you must always be for one particular side.  If you believe in accountability then you can not be socialistic.  If you support right to choice then you can not be for fiscal responsibility.
America and the western world seem to want people to choose between TWO sides.  Only two types of thoughts and ideology.  In the simplest form, right or left.  This is not just in politics but life in general.

I am here today to say what the world needs is a THIRD option. An option that allows the majority to participate.  An option which can help heal the world.  An option which leads to tolerance, freedom and equality.  
The third option is where most of the people are.  Extremes would not be extreme if the majority believed it.  The majority of the world is not in the extremes.

I want the world to find in every thing a third option.  I want there to be common for someone now to label themselves; not just a conservative or liberal but as moderate. Moderate should define people who refuse to go to extremes or who refuse to follow blindly one doctrine.  Moderate in all aspects of life.  This further enhances my life philosophy of living less.  Why go for excess?  Live less.!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Five Minutes

When you are going to bed, it is the last five minutes before you fall asleep which are the most important to you as a human being.  It is what I call the moments of conscience.
When you are alone with your thoughts in a dark room, the truth comes out. Your insecurities, lies, fears, and anxieties. It is at this moment the person knows who he is?  It is why I believe dictators and the evil know at those moments what their real fate is.  It is when you must accept the truth.  You may lie to the world but in those five minutes you will know the truth.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Obama's Medical Condition

Why is that Assad is allowed to stay? Why is Bahrain allowed to exist? Because the US President has a medical condition. He is spineless. He cannot stand for the people around the world who want freedom. Ask yourself what would George Bush have done if this happened under his watch? The medical community must hurry the research with embryonic cells to find a way to grow a spine.
I have just sent my donation to help the cause and so must you.

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