ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Metal BABY!!!!!!Muslim Mettalica....

This is how we know Osama is not winning the war. How the taliban and wahabism are not going to win in history. How I will never have to worry about my daughters having to cover up and losing their freedom for the sake of insane religious beliefs.

I have said it many times here and everywhere in the world I have had these discussions. America won the war the day George W went to war. By bringing war to these nations we brought America and all that goes with America.
Television brings the world to the people and the people then see the light and taste the freedom
Freedom is like Heroin. One taste and you are hooked.

So you say, I can hear you all, "What is this optimism? Where are you getting this from? Have you got on drugs? Are you on Heroin?"

No my friends I am not on drugs. I am just informed. I just read and listen to global news. Here is the answer.

Check out this link:
A heavy metal web magazine for the muslim world?????????? Think this out!!!!!

Search Khalas on the website. A palestinian metal band being produced by a jewish music producer....peace.

Yeah....we're not going to take it anymore.....

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