ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Gospel According to Me. Simple!

I know it takes a lot of time to solve problems, especially global ones; WRONG! As far I am concerned, its not that hard. I can solve most problems fast. So can you. Its called reason, and common sense.
Only the elite political people keep us from solving problems. The secret they don't want the masses to learn is its not hard to solve the worlds problems. If we all found out how easy it was, there would be no jobs for most of the bureaucracy and diplomats around the world.

I will show you how it works. I will solve the some of the worlds problems right here, right now. My personal mantra when addressing problems is be simple. The solution is always simple.

Israel/Palestine: Israel must stop building on other people's land and give it back. It must stop treating the Palestinians as if they are Jews in the Nazi Germany. Palestinians must stop trying to eliminate the nation of Israel and accept its right to exist. No more terrorism from Hamas and Hezebollah.

Global Warming: People must live less in the western world. Stop abusing the resources. Moderate consumption of all things.

Afghanistan: Kill Karzai and all the other leaders who control the militias and are corrupt. Make it look like the act of the taliban.

Iran: Kill anyone who is called Ayatoallah. Give the country back to the people.

North Korea: Just drop food out of the planes daily for a month. Let the people get a taste of what they are missing and tell them to rise up. Kill the ruling family.

America: Every election vote against the incumbent, regardless of the party.

Saudi Arabia: Invade and hold a global lottery with the prize being the country minus the oil. The oil would belong to the world. The lottery winner can have the country and do as he wishes. All members of the House of Saud can be sent to Bangladesh to work as domestic help to the poor. This will help ease the poor's suffering.

Fanatic Muslims: Teach them to read. Perhaps then they can LEARN FOR THEMSELVES WHAT IS REALLY IN THE QURAN.

Economy: Eliminate the stock market. Its basically a gambling den. People making money without producing products.

Now can somebody find a solution for my aching ankles, please......

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