ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poverty is not hardship in America

It occurs to me the problem with poverty (or what the western world calls poverty) is it isn't hard in the western world. People in the third world have motivation to strive to make their lives better, yet here in America Obama wants to make it easier to be poor. We should be making it harder.

Why would you want to get better, when being poor can lead to more benefits. If you are poor health care will be free. Unemployment insurance and welfare creates an incentive to stay down.

If you are poor in a Africa you have no food, no health care, no welfare. Why would you want to stay there? So when you get an opportunity to work and better your life, you are blessed. Thats why immigrants love America and American citizens hate America.
All the bad food in America is cheap. You can buy a double cheeseburgers for a $1. A extra large soda for a $1. Why motivation do you have to change your life?

Its a cycle which will never break. Poor in America kept poor by the democratic party under the guise of socialism. Rich people wanting to feel good about helping the poor by creating programs which ensure they stay poor.

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