ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh Poor Me!

I am watching news from Denver and NPR does a story on a couple facing tough times. They are the so called dwindling middle class. It was all about how they can't make ends meet on two salaries.

What bothers me is that they want to blame the government and the last 8 years. In the story they are being interviewed at home and around their house. A house which is not worth what they owe on it. Well here is the cold hard facts Americans.

You bought big houses which you don't need, filled them up with toys and have cable and cell phones and GPS contracts, satellite radio's etc... the list goes on and on of your expenses and then complain when you have to give them up.

How about we start by downsizing the house and toys. Two incomes is more than enough to live in America happily, its the way you live or think you should live.

How big is your electric bill for that house?

This couple had a huge house, flat screen TV's nice couches etc.... I am sorry but OH Poor Me from people living higher than me doesn't pull my heart strings.
Is this what the democrats consider middle class and poor? Some one needs to give them a tour of what poor is.

I think the politicians in America think you are poor and suffering if you have only one car, and have to eat at home once a week. If you can't use a private plane.
If you can't give them money to run for office.


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