Somebody call Al!!!!!!
Somebody please call Al Gore.
The world is rioting because of rising food prices and shortages. At the gathering as mentioned in the above article the blame seems to be falling on the diversion of crops for bio fuels. This sudden increase in production is tied to the sudden fad in global warming.
As the Indian minister said; its appalling the world is starving while the rich are parading their so called greeness.
All I want to know is where the fuck is Al??>???????
The world is rioting because of rising food prices and shortages. At the gathering as mentioned in the above article the blame seems to be falling on the diversion of crops for bio fuels. This sudden increase in production is tied to the sudden fad in global warming.
As the Indian minister said; its appalling the world is starving while the rich are parading their so called greeness.
All I want to know is where the fuck is Al??>???????
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