ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Egyptian shame

I was just in Egypt, and I understood the anger which is still around. The privilege, in this case the army and the police, don't want to give up power. They don't want their benefits to disappear. However what they did to the woman protester is unacceptable and unexplainable. There is no justification for it.
The shame is with all Egyptians if they don't protest and call for justice. The cowards in uniforms will face Allah.
What bothers me as an American is I have a President who is silent. The one person who can alone make a change.
If the american president when in television and said " we suspend all aid to Egyptian military immediately. " the violence on the part of the military would stop. That is the American shame, our new president has no balls.

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