ku ro i

What does an East Indian muslim born in Africa, married to a Canadian, living in Texas, stay at home dad, think of what is happening in the world?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Spector is whats wrong with Politics!

Arlen Spector announced he is going to switch parties for the next election. This is what is all that is wrong with politics. This man is 79 years old. He has been there over 20 years. We should have age limit on serving. At 70 maximum they must retire and let others serve. They are selfish in wanting to continue. Politics should be a service and not a career.
This idiot of a man, wants to change parties because he believes he can't win in his parties primary!!!! Sounds like a sore loser to me.
If Mr. Obama does control the democratic party they should tell this gentleman to take a hike.
Mr. Obama want to earn points with me? Tell Spector to walk. Change is young blood.
Change is eliminating idiots out of our government. Do you really want a person as such in your party?
You know what, I have a feeling you are going to welcome him. Thats what you have become 100 days into this; a disappointment and a joke.

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